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Who says Basenjis don’t have the ability to bark? A Basenji dog barks in this video. However, they usually only yodel and have only one bark.

Why is it that a Basenji puppy is incapable of barking?
Because their larynx is extremely flat in comparison to other breeds, these dogs are unable to properly bark. As a result, they are unable to produce the powerful sound blast that is characteristic of a bark.

Does the Basenji breed have a barking dog?
Basenjis, however, do not bark, unlike most dogs. A yodel is the best description for the noise they make.

Basenjis don’t bark, so what’s up with that?
The shallowness of the Basenji’s laryngeal ventricle is thought to limit the vocal folds’ ability to vibrate enough to produce the barking sound. Some speculate that the ability to bark was intentionally bred out to keep predators away from villages.


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