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This video shows Basenjis having a conversation with the family. They growl, yodel, howl, and producing other sounds.


Why is it that a Basenji puppy is incapable of barking?
Basenjis aren’t able to bark, so why aren’t they able to communicate? Because their larynx is extremely flat in comparison to other breeds, these dogs are unable to properly bark. As a result, they are unable to produce the powerful sound blast that is characteristic of a bark. They aren’t, however, calm dogs. They make noises like yodeling, howling, and growling.

Basenjis are known for their loudness.
Basenjis don’t usually bark, but they can make a lot of noise with yodels, whines, and screams. It’s difficult to teach them new skills. Independent thinkers have helped Basenjis survive for thousands of years. They don’t believe humans should be obeyed.


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