
狆 Japanese Chin by Yoshihisasow 1-2

国犬、 狆という犬種を守り誇れるブリーダーでいたい 淑久荘

I want to be a proud breeder who can save blood of
Japanese National dog, Chin.

March 11th 2011, a huge earthquake and tsunami hit northern Japan.
Victims of this disaster lost not only houses but also good old memories instantly.
The area where I reside did not get major damage fortunately but when I realized that
it could happen to anyone at anytime, I decided to make slides of pictures of my treasure, Japanese Chin.
I want to leave something for my Chin dogs so that people could remember that there was once such
beautiful dogs in this world. I would be very happy if people remember it for many years to come.

From Japan


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