土用の丑の日に、”まる”はうなぎの匂いに誘われてキッチンをうろうろ徘徊!! 1年に1度の我が家の贅沢!! 生のうなぎを買ってきて、好みの焼き加減、好きなお米の硬さ、タレの具合を調節し、そして何より出来立ての鰻丼をいただくことができます!! お店に負けないうなぎ丼!! 残念ながらまるは香りだけを楽しみました!! 今回は”まる”のママの爆笑ナレーションとともにお楽しみください!!


On eel day, Boston terrier “Maru” is invited by the smell of eel to wander around the kitchen !! The luxury of our home once a year !! We bought raw eel and liked how it was baked. In addition, we will adjust the hardness of the rice and the condition of the sauce, and above all, we will have a freshly made eel bowl !! The completion of the eel bowl that is comparable to the shop !! Please enjoy this time with “Maru”‘s mama’s laughing narration !!


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