My review of the American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff). This dog has a number of great qualities that make it ideal for a variety of applications. Please note that when I refer to the dog as a ‘utility dog’ in the review, I am referring to it’s many uses, not to it being part of the ‘utility dog’ group as recognised by various dog breed clubs. Please promote the breed and remember that every dog requires a good owner to raise it correctly.

Quality Amstaffs are available from Tredanky Staffs. This breeder will NOT sell a puppy to anyone who cannot display qualities of a responsible dog owner.


Be sure to check out my newest video on raising and training the Amstaff:

Intro music by ‘Moving Mountains’ – With one’s heart in one’s mouth
Written permission kindly provided by the band for use in this video.


  1. My AmStaff Cookie is a rescue. She was found wandering the streets in Atlanta, Ga., heavily pregnant, and was pick up by animal control. She is a quality dog, blue and white, but had evidence of suspected fighting background, scars, close cropped ears, dog aggression, and severe anxiety. No one came forward to claim her so her puppies were aborted and she was scheduled for euthanasia. A local rescue had posted her plight online and, though I live two states away, I offered to take her just hours before she was to be destroyed. She was estimated to be 3 years old at that time. I had a lifetime of rescue and dog experience, but she had many challenges. With the help of an excellent trainer, and faithful commitment she has become the lovely dog she was meant to be. She is now 10 years old, my best friend, protector, cuddler. Thanks to training she loves all my cats, horse, potbelly pigs, even chickens. I highly encourage seeking to rescue these dogs when possible. What a gift she is to me 💞

  2. I have 2 small children of 2 years and a 5 month old, 2 cats and a 4 year old female retriever mix. With the proper socialization, obedience training and exercising can this dog be a good fit for our household? Is there anything I would need to worry about? Our female retriever is the most docile, passive dog I've ever met. Really wanting to get a little female Staffie

  3. Yes I have had 2 pits and one amstaff and you are exactly right , you get out of the dog what you put in the dog just like having a child no different ……

  4. Spot on review, my son adopted a puppy from a local shelter not knowing the breed well end’s up she is a AmStaff. My son has since grown and moved into a studio apartment where he can’t have Nala with him, I am a quadriplegic and Nala has been professionally trained to be my service dog. They are awesome for anyone who want’s a loyal dog she is a people pleaser any time we are out she is loved by everyone and at home she is either wrestling you with toy’s or watching tv where she protects me with a bark at every dog on the commercial’s haha but never has barked or been aggressive with any other dog unless the dog is aggressive toward’s her than she will protect herself and me and has never been aggressive toward’s another person . We also have 3 chihuahua’s last visit to the vet Nala weighed 60.6lbs her best friend at home is 6.6lbs we also have a cat and Nala has never had an issue with him but you are right about exercise she want’s to go out for walks or pull on toy’s I take her out and run her with my electric wheel chair. We love Nala our AmStaff and would recommend to anyone who has plenty of time for your dog. Thank’s for the video.

  5. I’m gonna buy a dog this summer, it’s actually my first dog😅and i was always in love with staffordshire dogs! But does it matter like if you aren’t walking as long as on the other days? Like does 1 day less walking then usually really matter?

  6. My dog is cross Amstaff/ English Staffy, best animal with kids I’ve ever seen. If you hit your staffy , you’re an arsehole!

  7. Hi i have just recently got an amstaff pup for my young family. He is a clever dog but the one thing I am having trouble getting on top of is the puppy biting or nipping. He is still only 11 weeks old so im sure its only out of excitement but my kids get a little scared when he gets really wound up. Do you have any tips ?

  8. Amstaff is love, they are very well behaved easy to train and perfect guard 💂‍♀️ people compare them with APBT and take them for ill tempered breed but trust me this breed is really friendly. It has been more then five years Bella has been with me and she has always been such a darling

  9. When I try to use a flirt pole with my AmStaff she quickly figures out that instead of all that jumping around and chasing, a much more efficient way to get the toy on the string is to just get the pole, and she understands the closer she can bite the pole to my hand (never close enough to actually risk biting my hand), the more leverage she’ll have to then pull it away. They’re too smart for their own good. 😂

  10. My (adult) granddaughter drove down to New York City to a rescue day. She came back with this 6 week old Amstaff. The litter was found behind a warehouse in Brooklyn with no sign of the mother. Hence adoption at 6 weeks. He is the best dog; healthy, smart, obedient, loving and a joy to have.

  11. Staffies are the most amazing dog in the world but DO NOT get one if you don't have time for them, they do need incredible amounts of attention, they need to be apart of your life not just a throw it in the backyard and see what happens type of dog.

  12. People underestimate just how much they are velcrodogs. My girl wants to be involved in everything, at all times and without exception. You will never again know privacy or peace. But they are very loving and very goofy, and very protective

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