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The American Staffordshire Terrier, also known as the Amstaff, is a medium-sized dog that shares its ancestry with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. These dogs were developed in England in the 19th century, first near Birmingham and then in the county of Staffordshire, by mixing the Bulldog with several terrier lines. The resulting Bull-and-Terrier Dog became most popular for use in the sport of dog fighting. This dog, which soon came to be known as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, found its way to the US in the late 1800s. Americans bred for a slightly larger size, and with time the two strains diverged. By the mid-1930s, the American strain, known simply as the Staffordshire Terrier, had been identified as a separate breed. The name was changed to American Staffordshire Terrier in 1972. One of the dogs identified in the pit bull family, it continues to be bred to play an aggressive role in the pit or as a guard dog by many owners, but it is actually a very docile and loving animal, which has also stayed popular as a family pet.

Time for some Ruff Trivia:
– What is the only color for the nose permitted according to the AKC breed standard for the American Staffordshire Terrier?
o A: Brown
o B: Skin
o C: Black
What do you think, give it your best guess in the comments below before we get to the answer! Hang on tight and we’ll get back to this Ruff Trivia Question toward the end of the video.

The adult Amstaff has height in the range of 17 to 19 inches, with female individuals being slightly smaller than the male ones. The weight range for the breed is 57 to 67 pounds. The dog is muscular and stocky, giving the impression of great strength as well as agility. A low center of gravity, nimbleness on its feet and a strong jaw – all make it ideal for performing as a fighter in the pit. The skull is broad with very pronounced cheek muscles; the ears are set high and generally not cropped; round eyes are set wide apart; and the muzzle is of medium length. The tail is low set, short in comparison to size, tapering to a fine point and undocked. The coat is short, close, stiff and glossy, and can occur in a wide range of colors, solid, parti-colored or patched.

Grooming:Coat care is minimal for the Amstaff, requiring a do-over with a soft-bristle brush about once a week. A bath once a month should also help. Cleaning of ears, brushing of teeth and trimming of nails has to be regular.

Temperament:The Amstaff is a highly people-oriented dog that needs to feel useful and a part of the family. It is loyal to a fault and generally friendly with strangers. It is also typically good with children, and its clownish nature can easily win over young friends. It can be protective of its brood and get aggressive with other dogs.

Training:Though very trainable, American Staffordshires can begin to goof around or act stubborn during training sessions and would require a firm, but kind, hand. Their athleticism and intelligence make them well suited for trials such as obedience, agility, tracking and conformation. Their daily energy requirements can be metwith a good walk on leash or a vigorous game in the yard.

Health:Life expectancy for the Amstaff is 12 to 14 years. The breed is susceptible to skin allergies, urinary tract infections and autoimmune diseases. Some notable health issues seen are spondylosis, osteoarthritis, congenital heart disorder, hip and elbow dysplasia, patellar luxation, thyroid dysfunction and cerebellar ataxia.

Confident and courageous, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a strongly built, athletic animal. Despite a violent image, it is actually a docile, fun-loving dog that loves nothing more than being around its family.

Find out if the American Staffordshire Terrierwould be a good addition to your home. Now you can visit Brooklyn’s to take our quiz and find out which dog would be the best match for you.

Music by Kevin McLeod – Royalty Free


  1. Some neighbours had an amstaff, who was pretty big when they got it(around 1.5 years), poor girl was chaotic, agressive, and pretty wild…never trained, either. Really took an impact on my opinion on amstaffs, but i feel ready to have one of my own thanks to people like you who inform me about dogs. Love from Romania❤️

  2. OMG the stubbornness! My Bess will throw herself on the ground if i try to pull her in a direction she doesn't want to go on our walks

  3. All comment in vid very true. I love mine too bits though he’s brilliant with people/kids he does not like other “unknown” or “strange” dogs and becomes both protective and aggressive. I did get him as a guard dog however so can’t complain! Ps I’m a responsible owner and dog is always on a lead

  4. Stop stealing our dogs!!! Lol. Why the fuck are you adding American to the front of every one of our dog breeds. They are just staffys at the end of the day. You even change the name of our sports. Stop messing with shit america. We make the best dogs in the world now every one who isnt english thinks these dogs derived from america😡. Not fair

  5. I recently adopted an 8 year old. His fur is a grayish blue tint. Such a beautiful loving dog. He immediately began watching over my 2 young children following them everywhere to protect them. This is the best dog I’ve ever had in terms of family orientation. Looking forward to having him for quite a few years love you Spartacus!!

  6. Amstaff is love, they are very well behaved easy to train and perfect guard 💂‍♀️ people compare them with APBT and take them for ill tempered breed but trust me this breed is really friendly. It has been more then five years Bella has been with me and she has always been such a darling

  7. I recently adopted my dog Lyla and I figured out with a DNA test she’s 60% am staff and she’s sooo goofy and amazing. I love her lots and she warmed up to me almost immediately

  8. i got a amstaff puppy its nose its black but it got like 2 small pink dots, does it still make it fully amstaff?

  9. They are very loving and a great protector if you have kids, all they want is to be there dad and will be by there side always. Such I loving and family dog which might have a bad reputation. You do have to have to make sure that you are the alfer early.

  10. Es una rasa mui bien eqilibrada den mi punto de vista es superior de un pastor aleman y digo esto por que ya tengo un macho AMSTF de 6 años y esta mui bien educado ……sabe hacer todas la ejercicio….te agradesco por tu reportaje

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