
Very cute Snow #savannah Savannah #kitten❤️ let me sleep mommy😊 Athos preparing for #sleep😍 sweet ❤️

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Very cute Snow #savannah Savannah #kitten❤️ let me sleep mommy😊 Athos preparing for #sleep😍 sweet ❤️

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  1. That is a bed fit for a King! For awhile, it’s a bed for a Little Prince. Athos, you know how much I love you, and recognize your handsome markings. You are a uniquely beautiful Snow Savannah. Wish I could adopt you. And, tell your Pet Parents to get that camera out of your face! Hihi. // Hello, CatDad and CatMom. Hope you both are well. Thank you from the Heart for your sweet and kind message. It means so much to me, and it helps. Yes, I do put pressure on myself, I was raised that way. CatDad, when you were building Ramses’ enclosure, you got down on the ground and smoothed, with your hands, the ground under the pots for the trees. To make sure it was even. It takes a control person and a perfectionist to know another! Thank you. On Thanksgiving evening I went to one of the TK streams. The Chatters are people from all over the World. Some are well to do, some are struggling. Everyone is caring. I don’t share problems much, I don’t want to be an International Whiner! The mood was festive…some people were cooking the Holiday dinner while chatting, exchanging recipes, and making suggestions. Many of the Chatters have a great sense of humor, which I love. I have two ladies who instantly became friends four years ago, Kathleen from New Jersey, US, and Mary from Austria. They are wonderful. It was very much like being home with family. The livestreams are a good place to go when feeling low. By the way, the first topic is always Cats….the second most talked about topic is Food! You wouldn’t believe !! I waited and watched for two months before I Chatted. (Just watching is called “lurking”.) And, are welcome are Chatters. Subscribers are called TinyKittens Villagers. We are all in this Life together. CatDad, you and CatMom are TK Villagers. Come talk to us sometime. Thank you, again, for your Thanksgiving kindness. You treated me in the true Spirit of the Holiday. Love, Hugs and Kisses.

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