In this Basenji breed profile you will find all the important facts about the Congo Dog breed:
► Intro 0:00
► Basenji History & Origin 0:57
► Basenji Appearance 2:02
► Basenji Temperament & Training 3:14
► Basenji Exercise, Care & Health Problems 4:15

Basenji Breed Profile Training Guide ►
Basenji Dog Hoodie ►
Basenji Mug ►

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  1. Моей басенжи 10,5лет .Эта порода только для опытных и ответственных владельцев.Эти волшебные собачки должны жить в Африке!

  2. Thankyou so much for this concise and informative introduction to the Basenji breed. As a dedicated owner (read slave) to three of these exceptional little dogs, I’ll be adding your video link to the cards I want to have printed to give everyone who asks “what sort of dog is that? .. Well done!

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