たぶんゴローさんは「シフォンケーキちょうだい」って言ってます。 よろしければチャンネル登録をお願いいたします。 この動画を友達に見せたいな、と思ったり、気に入ったらシェアしてくださいね。 Corgi dog doggie Inu pembroke welsh ウェルシュ コーギー ウエルシュ・コーギー・カーディガン ゴロー ペンブローク ワンコ 犬
Linda Chandler on 2017.06.26 3:15 am Goro, what a beautiful voice you have, and I understood every word you said! So did Sirowan it would seem. The cake looks wonderful.
LittleLulubee on 2017.06.26 3:58 am Looking at Goro's face, and hearing him talk, is sooooo relaxing ❤️
J. S. Becc on 2017.06.26 9:02 pm Goro is just precious! Roku is darling, too. They love their chiffon cake, and I don't blame them. 😉
ゴローちゃんもロクちゃんも、夢中ですね🎵ゴローちゃんのお話し、久しぶりに聞きました( ´∀`)
so lovely 💕
This is so adorable! Goro doesn't make sounds too often.💓
The corgi is a very quirky dog!
Aww! Maybe Goro is saying he loves chiffon cake.
Goro, what a beautiful voice you have, and I understood every word you said! So did Sirowan it would seem. The cake looks wonderful.
Looking at Goro's face, and hearing him talk, is sooooo relaxing ❤️
Goro is very soft-spoken.
Goro is just precious! Roku is darling, too. They love their chiffon cake, and I don't blame them. 😉
wow ssounds like an only man, too cute <3
はやく~ はやく~ い〜においだよ~ と、壊れたオモチャのような ちょうだい芸人の おふたりさんですねっ🤭