a strawberry — a favorite dog#シベリアンハスキー犬
寝る前のハスキー犬 クッキーと孫のりりかのじゃれ合いですね
アリスみたいに派手に負けてくれません。#Siberian# Husky


  1. 可愛すぎ…本当に人間味があって可愛いです私もハスキー欲しいのだけれど大型犬は育てるの大変ですよね。

  2. Friend; have things come for God and not for the devil; God needs you, be good, do not commit sins.
    You know what the meaning of life is: NO PEQUE dont sins; because in life there is need and vanity; and man wants to satisfy them; God does not want that; That your children do not have to eat; do not steal do not be corrupt; that a woman will turn you over, do not kill her, do not hit her, BECAUSE SATISFACTION IS GIVEN by God in need; God says perhaps the birds seek food; God feeds them; the lilies look at their elegance, God saw them; Like your friend; God gives you in your poverty, THERE IS NO NEED TO SIN, In vanity; God does not want you to enjoy trampling others in the competition; God does not want you to be a great light, a great philosopher, a magician; Satisfaction is for your EGO; God wants humility in man so you will not be like satan that is pride and did created Vanity and Death that is what man for which he exists .And your reward will be like the angels of god.
    Another thing remember my words RECORD them, do not study magic, because it is the way they will look for you to worship Satan; that is the opposing form; Remember Necessity and Vanity.

  3. クッキーって苺が大好きだったんっすね!!(^^)今のそうちゃまも食いしん坊じゃけど、クッキーも……….食いしん坊だったんすね~~~~~~!!(^^;)

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