In this video we wanted to show how an Australian cattle dogs can be awesome family dogs. We love our blue heelers and so as our daughter.

Cattle dog training can be quite a challenge in beginning but will be greatly rewarded i promise you! 🙂

I hope you enjoyed this video!

If you need more information about how to train puppies make sure to like our facebook page:
or email us at:

Our favorite dog leash:

Our favorite dog food:

Microphone used for video:
-Bluetooth lavalier,


  1. My 8 yo grandson was 5 yo when we got our blue heeler. As a puppy she scratched and nipped at all of us. My grandson was never knocked down. The puppy stage is where most people give up. The scratching is out of I think somehow we inadvertently got it

  2. The perfect breed to have for these videos. Heelers are super intelligent…ours are too and I have done the same,I talk to them like I would a young child. They get it

  3. my 10 week old heeler is a terror she is very bright and she knows how to sit and stay and lay down taught her go to her bed but she bites all the time bites my son my wife and me every chance she gets.

  4. We have a rescue blue healer smartest breed ever owned; we’ve never had to deal with the nipping not sure what to do:) please help; def a part of a big loud excited child family.

  5. Where are u located Bc I got a red heeler n he’s just won’t listen to me when I’m trying to train him with my young children n to listen period

  6. Just found your channel. We recently rescued a 3 1/2 month blue heeler. Thank you for all the videos. So far he's been so good.

  7. Just found your page ! I’m currently pregnant and my dog is already people aggressive to those he hasn’t met yet or even some that he has and he just doesn’t like them. I can’t get him to stop nipping people when they meet and thank god everyone he’s met has been very easy going. My boyfriend is worried that my puppy might nip my baby either out of jealousy or just because he don’t want the baby in there. I have high hopes for the baby but ofc precautions are always best to take

  8. thank you this helps a lot although my dog is pretty stubborn, but I’ll try this out

  9. I just got my australian cattle puppy he's 3 months. But he was abused by previous people. He's scared of every living movement and people. Barking at everyone and runs away. I domt wanna have a aggressive puppy at 3 months. I'm putting him in classes I pray thry help him with trusting people. He doesn't like my son or husband only me

  10. We got a heeler pup about 5 months ago and your videos have helped us so much!

    He has really come a long way since we first got him, but is still very much in the puppy stage… the worst thing right now is he absolutely cannot control himself around food. He won't eat his own food from his bowl until he hears the "take it" command, but when it comes to our food, he is constantly trying to get on the counters, get on the high chair, dig in the trashcan, and is even very forceful while I am loading the dishwasher.

    Any tips or a video on how to correct this would be MUCH appreciated!!

    Thanks again for all of your videos. They're great!

  11. God bless spread Gods word and his name is you don't know what God is doing but someday you will know repent and turn away from your sin and follow Jesus Christ and put your faith in him and he loves you and so do I no matter what your going through God is right there with you no matter what your going to be fine Gods hands

  12. Hi BonneLife! Great tips! We have a Red Heeler, 1yo, Manju. She is a good girl, very vibrant and friendly. However, she doesnt like to be pet or cuddle… is this normal?
    Cheers from Brazil.

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