1. Sólo por los perritos👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  2. Yo tengo dos de ellos una perrita y un perrito llamados GOST y DUKESA 😊❤️

    I have two of them a dog and a puppy named GOST AND DUKESA😊❤️

  3. So cute 😍 love the new 😍 and how cute you are puppies are so adorable 😍 you have any more pictures of them and I love them all so much 💖

  4. I own a male & female & they just had 2 baby's a female & a male, I love mine, my 3 yr old male WUD kill for his mama & daddy but never hurt a child.. that's the way they are.. very protective of their family & their Domaine yes..w/o ever being taught to show a mean bone.. they know who & wat is theirs & WUD bravely give their lives to protect that… They are stable dog.. but u can't fool em… Train them right love they they show the most love back.. ppl I know say "u better watch them dogs, they will turn on you & kill me", I just say OK coz they do not own one they don't know… I love my blue as my son.. he knows who & the name..mama & daddy.. coz we taught those name that we are his parents.. he is our son.. he loves, plays , aggravates, shows his tail..well..my boy Sagonise'*moose* Owen.. knows we wud fight & protect him to.. tho when the grandbabies come visit he's all over them w/ play time fetching but dnt bring back to them anything they throw so they chase him & he lives it.. he know their laughter is music to his ears, he loves the children.. jealous big time.. as the children are in line to get their snack well he sit in line beside them & want a snack to.. if they go out play he dang sure wants to go play with them.. he love riding & minds his manners.. they get out at the store well.. he gets to go in to … Moose is just like one of the kids w/ them … He knows it the children knows it… But let someone touch the kids in form of mean or to harm them.. well like I said he will attack the aggressors in the act of they are his family… Don't harm wats his w/o being taught to.. u do not have to teach them to attack who is hurting his family & the aggressors will find wat they R made of… They are not born vicious.. ppl train them them to be attack & vicious dogs… They are loving, diligent, intelligent, protective, animals.. I recommend anyone bringing a blue into their family & they will feel *EVERYTHING I HAVE PRAISED THIS BREED FOR.. TO BE TRUE

  5. We have our first healer, had a German Short-haired Pointer b4 Bennie blue, he is sweet and VERY BUSY!!!!!!HE DIGS AND EATS STICKS, I THINK HE NEEDS A FRIEND!!!

  6. 2days before the pandemic I got a blue heeler, I love her so much, she is literally the only reason why I love dogs so much, she will protect me if I say ow, she is so loyal
    And forgot to mention her name is Bella, and we call her bellwars

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