
Mita, a longcoat Akita inu, experiences self-shampoo for the first time. Take a bath with hot water for the first time, and see how cleverly you do your best while being surprised by the blower and the huge hands-free dryer. Hwas sleepy that day, so his voice was less sweet than usual, but He did his best until the end without getting tired of it. At the end, He is getting my favorite snack.

使用BGM:どんぐりなっつ written by キュス

#秋田犬 #大型犬 #シャンプー

1 Comment

  1. 長毛さんはシャンプー、ドライヤーともに大変ですね! 長毛さんのは始めて見ましたが、貴重なものを見せてもらいました! 終始み太くんはお利口さん。洗うとひょろーんもかわいいですね。

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