1. You need to add kelpies to the "best" herding dogs too! Heck, Zeke has a video that marks Kelpies as the #1 smartest dog breed, period! Their instinct for the job is awesome! Second to none! Don't forget them!

  2. I had an interesting situation where I ended up with a working cattle dog in a city. I'm very active and owned dogs before so I was able to exercise my dog a minimum of 1 hour hardcore every day but usually 2 hours a day of activity. She was trained not to lick chew or bite from birth and I have had no issues. She nips at other dogs when playing and kind of herds me around the house subconciously. She gets incredibly restless if you go more than 1 day without letting her sprint like a demon after her ball. Does not enjoy cuddling and is aloof with strangers. Hates the front door and refuses not to act like the world is ending when someone knocks and we are all inside. Insanely intelligent, curious, playful, and AGILE AF. She has close to a 6 ft vertical and shes 35 pounds (literally the smallest cattle dog ever seen). Wonderful animal if you provide an outlet. I would not recommend a working one for the typical lazy owner. I wish she had a chill button most days. Going on 3 years old and still a firecracker although clearly maturing. Love of my life!

  3. With a hat like that. I expected her first words to be.. G'day Mayt and maybe a King Can of Fosters to go along with the package.

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