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  1. I just got an American Staffordshire not my first one I used the prong collar with all my other dogs we had great walks but never taught off leash I see the placement of e collar with prong collar but I thought prong Collar would be above the E collar. Can you let me know the deafferents of placement? Thank you

  2. Staffy's are damn good dogs my mom rescued one had her for a few years she wasn't professionally trained or anything never bit anybody she wasn't supposed to never kids she wasn't agressive we lost her for probably 4 months we finally found her she was still a damn good dog I still don't understand how she survived in the middle of a desert with cyotes snakes christ knows my mom found out that guys on a location were feeding called her the white ghost cause nobody could catch her miss that dog like the dog we've got now is a good dog but she was all but the best

  3. Ive never heard of a prong collar is it the same as a choker chain my dog isnt phased by the choker chain he loves choking himself its almost as if he gets off on it

  4. I agree. I have pugs and they are very high energy. They love to run when they get outside the kennel. At times they don't listen and I learned to praise them when they did come back instead of punish and now they are coming back when I call, as they know there is a reward to coming back instead of running away.

  5. Hey thank you for all the videos. My Gurruffalo Boltz is a big boy. I started his training day 1. He is very smart and aware. I have one maybe two linked issues. Im about 124lbs hes roughly 89. He has a stay beside me issue, but its my fault. The one thing I didn't instill is the stay beside me walk early and now combined with using wrong leash and collar combos. I need best combo lead and leash advice to keep him close, thats strong, cause he is a puller and will chase a squirrel in 2 seconds. I've been injured over his leash catching my ankle. I fully believe he would be a quick correct and I just need to be super consistent. He has the collar your talking about,but I use it with a 20 foot retractable leash BIG MISTAKE… So, thats the first thing. Any advice on correction walking and also best combo to start this corrective training with. How long should a leash be less then 4 to 6 feet? Thank you for any time you may take in responding. My Boltz is a good dog. I can lay food on the ground and he will not touch it until I say he can. I've trained him using a pack order mentality. He knows all his basic commands and some tricks and even knows sit, lay, and come with simple hand gestures. I started using hand gestures with commands when he was a pup so if we were ever in a situation where he couldn't hear me he could see me and know what I wanted him to do. I have no doubt he will be a quick correct. I just didn't keep him side walking as a pup long enough and it just got to this point and now that there's only a 45lbs weight difference between us I have to be sure to have control of him better on his lead. Believe me I kick myself for this one mistake cause it is a huge responsibility if he gets loose or approaches someone hurts another animal unintentionally because of his size. Hes only 1.5 years old, still a lot of pup in him. He is also 4 breeds. I had a wisdom panel done on him. He is 4 parts 25% each per the results: 25%Boxer, 25%Huskey, 25%American Stratford Terrier, and 25%" guarding/protecting breeds( So last 25% was lumped into thise groups of dogs).. fun combo.. I've spent everyday with him since bringing him home as I am a stay at home mom who has devoted myself to having a well raised dog and being able to put in the time and effort. I just need him and I to work together to get this last little mom mess up corrected…He's really the best dog we got very lucky to get the best parts of all his breeds, as he has a great disposition and presence about him.

  6. I have 6 dogs and have a few things I need to know about the get them to come back to me when ever I call them and Also like to run off and take off in to town They have all been to the dogpound at least once it is like when they are in a pack I don't even Existt to any of them it is a dad and his kids I did find out some things I didn't think about till I saw the video but any way I am hoping to talk and get some ideas and info on how to get them to come back to me when ever I call them back thinks have a good day

  7. Prong/hammer – my 45 year dog trainer friend says it this way. The prong collar is a tool, just like a hammer. You can use a hammer to bash someone's skull in, or you can use it to build a house. This dog has had good prong collar training while he was boarded, and because the owner didn't use the prong collar properly and retain you can only correct a dog for issues from a split second to a few seconds, it wasn't a good tool. People do not realize that THEY need to be trained more than the dog does. Cesar Millan is not a trained professional dog trainer, but there is one thing he has repeated over and over and he is 100% correct. If most people perceive a dog as bad, it is because the human hasn't provided proper conditions and training for the dog to know better. I think EVERY dog adoption center/website should required payment for at least the 6 week basic dog obedience training which will in turn be used to purchase the class locally vie PetSmart or PetCo. Whether or not they are for or against prong collars, for or against any kind of negative reinforcement, any professional/certified trainer will fix 95% of the issues the owner has and you will end up with a much better dog and much better relationship. I checked locally near Richmond, VA and the PetSmart 6 week basic course is about $125, 1 hour a week for 6 weeks. One of the biggest mistakes I see is people don't understand what a correction is or when to deliver it. We have friends that bought a puppy and they said it was an unholy terror. I had an opportunity to watch them interact with the dog and when the dog did good things, they picked the dog up and spoke lovingly to the dog, but when the dog acted improperly, they picked the dog up and spoke lovingly to the dog to calm it down. Both of these issues were proving positive reinforcement, but they positively reinforced the good behavior so they are training the dog to keep doing the good things. However, they are using the same positive reinforcement when the dog does bad things so they are telling the dog to keep doing the bad things too, and then the humans wonder why the dog is still acting poorly. There are dog people, and there are people with dogs. I'm trying to learn more about being a better dog person, and I hate to say I used to be a person with a dog to some degree. I really wish I'd done some kind of professional dog training when I was much younger, and I plan on doing all I can to learn and pass knowledge on to my wife and daughter so they do not make similar mistakes as this owner did. I've watched dozens of Garret's videos and I have either learned something new or reinforced something I already knew, but refined what I knew to a higher degree. There is a local service dog training facility that wants people to foster the dogs over the weekends to give the trainers a little break. Our friend's daughter works there and we're going to see if we can start fostering these highly trained dogs over the weekends 1-2 times a month. They will train us to reinforce what they have taught the dog so the dog is still getting training by the fosters over the weekends. I can't think of a better way to see what a well behaved dog acts like up close and personal and to get some training (proper training) on how to do this and how to pass this along to my family. I've always been frustrated and jealous of people walking with their dogs off leash with more control than I have over my dogs on leash.

  8. I’ve used your method for my dog pulling and not paying attention while walking and it doesn’t even phase my 5 month old Rotterman

  9. There are a lot of different collars out there what type would you recommend for a large dog like a Labrador or German Shepherd.

  10. I don’t corecy my dog but yet he won’t return but and has to stay on lead he comes back but bolts past I’ve got a whistle witch he responds to well but still won’t get in reach of me I want to let him of lead but can’t

  11. Trying to get my 11 month old American pitbull terrier to not pull when I walk. To not get into everything. We have deer around here and he thinks it's poo is food.

  12. Just came across your video and need your advice my daughter got a pit bull from her dad and since she was a baby she never put a leash on her when she took her outside so now she is 1 year old and when I’m trying to put the dog leash on she starts to be aggressive and growls. I tried different types of leash with treats and nothing works hope you can help with a solution

  13. Why even use prong collars at all? Prong collars, shock collars, physical punishment are all literally COMPLETELY unnecessary leadership is love its all about the trust and communication with your K9 companion positive reinforcement, then redirection to what you do want them to do, then reward them for being good IN THAT ORDER!!! I trained my 11 month old Rescue Amstaff not to pee or poo inside his basic sit, stay, heel, break, leave it/drop it, place, and recall commands an not to pull on the leash(he has a harness) in less than a week both on an off leash with distractions around us all while keeping eye contact with me along with waiting till I tell him he can go to his food when I feed him and waiting to go in&out the door to potty until I walk through an tell him he may all without ANY type of physical punishment or using prongs an shocks and I’m not a professional dog trainer/behaviorist by ANY means lol 😂

  14. I'm trying to get your opinion on how I should feed my two dogs they are brothers but when it comes to food the more dominant dog doesn't let the other dog eat even though their food is placed at different areas.should I put up a barrier or there's a training I can do.thank you 😊😊

  15. I think people need to imagine their dog as a baby, as frustrating as they can be at times you would never hurt them intentionally, my dog, an American Staffordshire frustrates the hell out of me some times but I love my dog and I just take a moment, close my eyes and breathe so that frustration can pass then move on, I never want to risk doing damage to my relationship with my dog by letting a moment of frustration turn into an extreme reaction.

  16. Hey man I have a pit bull mixed with husky 8/9 month old. Hey is not listening and pulls the leash to much to the point that my shoulders are hurting and he bite another pit bull when he was off his leash. I don't want to hurt him or make him afraid of me. I just want him to be happy with me and my family.

  17. Looks like one of my dogs when I was a kid. He was a Great dog. I never really trained my dogs then but he was perfect off collar. I spent tons of time with him . I’m glad you put this message out. I’ve told this to to many people and they act like I’m from mars. Yeah, let’s punish our dogs for coming back. That makes sense. We called them pit bulls back then. It’s a dirty word now. Great dogs.

  18. I have a feral Amstaff who lives in the woods with three other feral dogs. I feed them regularly and they are warming up to me more and more every day. The Amstaff is the most trusting toward me as I stroke him and brush him. He spends most of the day on my back porch but then at night, he runs off with other wild dogs. My question is, what would be the best way to get him to stay here with me without running off?

  19. My baby just turned 1 Nov. 27 but he still runs away I allow him to go wherever but when he jumps the fence he doesn't come home for days what should I do? I normally trying to give him alot of food or love but he does it every 2 days

  20. The owner was beating the dog when he came back, this breed of dog does not cower unless you beat them. I had an AMSTAFF and he was 3 years old when I got him, he was a rescue dog from a very abusive family. Toby was eating cats and birds as a main diet the owners used him as a bait dog too. Before I got Toby, I learned all about his breed and how smart this dog breed is and how much they love to please their owners. I began his training the next week we had him. After 4 days he stopped chasing animals like squirls, cats and other dogs, after a week I could walk him without a leash in public, I could walk him through town no leash and he was never more than 6 to10 inches from my side and I never used treats, I used positive encouragement and loved him up for doing what I wanted him to do. I don't care how long anyone has ever had dogs if you get a dog and it's a breed, you're not familiar with you should read up on the breed before you buy or adopt it. How well did I take care of him and know what I am talking about. A friend of the owner said Toby was 3 years old the Vet couldn't be positive about the age but said yes Toby looks to be at the most 3 years old or a year younger. I adopted him in 2006 so let's say he was 2 years old when I got him. 2006 to October 22nd, 2022. I had him for 16 years now add two years he was18 years old when he passed, his breed lives on average 12 to 16 I bet if I had him at 6 months he would have lived even longer. Another thing I will say is that if you have the money get your dogs off dog food. Dog food is full of garbage, they are better off eating the food you eat. For Toby he got chicken steak liver salmon and other foods freshly made nothing from a can I prepped his food every Sunday for the week. That brings me to say this as well, if you can't afford to take proper care of a dog and your lazy or you don't have enough room for a dog, don't get one! Dogs need exercise space to run and an excellent diet. You can't provide that, getting a dog makes no sense and in my opinion is abuse.

  21. Oh I need all kinds of your help. I have a rescue from Louisville Metro whose owner was homeless and has passed and I need help settling this 3 yo Pitbull, Am staff, Rottweiler, hound dog mix. She's going to be my travel companion in my RV so she has to be very well behaved in the campsites. I've had four other Rottweilers before but I've not traveled with them. Daisy will be a first and I want her to be perfect 😉 if you can help me or point me in the right direction I will be much appreciated. I'm in Glasgow Kentucky and willing to travel if needed

  22. Hi! I have a 90lb lab and we have failed training her and are watching your videos to learn and adjust. How long do you use the prong collar for walks? Always or at a certain point do you switch back to a regular collar? Also do you have videos on barking and how to train when to bark and not, is that even something a dog can do?

  23. I have five German shepherds varying in age from one year to 4 years. All five of them heal perfectly well, also all five at the same time and have never been on a prong collar.

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