Real APBTS should have Animal Aggressive Temperament. Real APBTS Breeders have been Line Breeding and In Breeding them for years. They can Be only Animal Aggressive and Not Human Aggressive. This is what the Original APBTS Goal was bred for. People need to understand this.

Real American Pit Bull Terriers/ Pit Bull Terriers/Pit Terriers are Animal Aggressive and Not Human Aggressive. Real American Pit Bull Terriers/ Pit Bull Terriers/Pit Terriers aren’t Guard Dogs, Personal Protection Dogs. Real American Pit Bull Terriers/ Pit Bull Terriers/Pit Terriers aren’t Blue, Gray, Merle, Tri-Color. Real American Pit Bull Terriers/ Pit Bull Terriers/Pit Terriers have Bruce Lee Body/Tight Skin and Narrow Head. If you don’t have Papers/Pedigree/Family Tree that means you have mutts.

The Breed Pit Bulls is a short way of saying American Pit Bull Terriers. The lying need stops about this breed. Real APBTS should have Animal Aggressive Temperament. Real APBTS Breeders have been Line Breeding and In Breeding them for years. People hate Real Facts in there face. They hate the truth. These people in the World are known, liars.

Blue Dogs are Bandogs, Bandogges, Blue Paul Terriers, Blue Lacy Dog, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, English Staffordshire Terriers, Irish Staffordshire Terriers, American Staffordshire Bullies, American Bullys and a lot more. But APBTS aren’t Blue, Gray, Tri-Color, or Merle. The lying need to stop thinking these Colors are in Pit Bulls. Old Family Red that is Bloodlines of Old Irish Staffordshire Terriers. These morons tagged and hanged under breed like crazy. American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, American Bandog Mastiffs, American Bandogge Mastiffs, Staffordshire Bull Terriers aren’t the same Breed. They are all different breeds. People need to understand this. The False Advertisement also needs to stop. Everything isn’t a Pit Bulls.

When Anyone start breeding for different color, size, temperament I’ll sure call them American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Bandogs, American Bandogges, American Bullys, Blue Paul Terriers because that’s all they will be in a couple of generations” Howard Heinzl (1918 – 1989) With regard to blue American Staffordshire Terriers, any breeder that believes that a Blue American Staffordshire Terrier is somehow more valuable than the other recognized colors, is not only deceiving themselves, but they are also deceiving their customers. If a breeder was “true” to the breed standard they wouldn’t Lie to buyers. These People and Breeders are known to lie to make money. We keep it Real here.

People need to understand this American Staffordshire Terriers, American Bandog Mastiffs, American Bulldogs, American Bullys, Staffordshire Bull Terriers aren’t Pit Bulls. These people need to get this in there Small Yellow Bus Heads. They Hate Real Facts in there life. We keep it Real Here they hate it. We Breed to Each Breed set Standard. The problem is we have morons and idiots mislabeling dog breeds.



  1. Maybe that’s how they got the red cuz a real breeder they not going to tell what the breed full is so no can recreate it

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