Siberian cats are one of the most popular cat breeds in the world, and for good reason! They’re affectionate and playful, and make great family companions. In this video, we’ll show you some of the different features of the Siberian cat and explain why they’re so popular.

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance cat that will make a great member of your family, you should check out the Siberian cat! This breed is friendly, playful and affectionate, and will be a great addition to your home. We hope you enjoy this video!


  1. A mí me gustan los gatos 😃🥰💯🥀💯🥀 tenía una gata parió 3 gatito y un gato que venía a visitar la gata, en la alfombra del comer le daba la teta a los gatitos y se acostaba en la silla donde yo me sentaba a desayunar 😻😛 la gata evacuaba mojado y yo quería vomitar 😻😛 tuve que salir de la gata y los gatitos 😅😛 le pagué al cereno para que se los llevara, la gata y los gatitos 😅😛

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