Hello everyone, I am a country barber.
I live in a backward rural area where few people consciously spay their dogs.
Dogs are over-bred and puppies are abandoned almost every day💔
My main goal is to help stray animals, find suitable adopters for abandoned puppies,🏡🐶🐾
neuter stray dogs, and make people pay more attention to the dogs around them.❣️
Thank you all for your support and help👏👏💕💕💕
Poor little dirt dog because of biting chicken, abandoned, scared, shivering and not eating
#straydog #puppy rescue #abandoned puppy


  1. Poor sweet baby. So, so scared. The jerk had to have beaten it for him/ her to be so terrified. I know different mindset where you live but that doesn't make me any less angry. No one should ever beat a puppy puppy should only show love mischief and adoration in their eyes not terror. Of course it did it chicken it's a puppy doesn't know any better and it's going to chase. Thank God that now the puppy is with you and your family. It's going to take a lot of patience and love but the baby is young and it will soon forget and show love and its eyes instead of terror I so wish I could be there to help that puppy but honestly if I lived closer to you I would end up with a whole herd of puppies. You're a good man with a good family God bless and keep you and thank you for everything you do for those babies you rescue..

  2. Esse vídeo começou e terminou cachorro do mesmo lugar não entende nada naquela imundícia ali embaixo já não assisto mais me poupe

  3. Me parte el alma ver estas imagenes en la que los perritos tienen mucho miedo y estàn escondidos,probablemente porque han sido maltratados y les han pegado,pero hay que luchar por acabar con esta situaciòn y conseguir que los animales sean respetados como seres vivos que son,igual que las personas,todos tenemos derechos,y ellos nos necesitan para conseguirlo.Querido amigo,haces una gran labor ayudando,dando todo tu cariño a los cachorros,a los perros en general,ofreciendoles alimento,un lugar calentito,etc,etc…y que al final llegue en buen adoptante que le ofrezca un hogar.Muchas bendiciones buen amigo,y que nunca falte en tu hogar la economìa necesaria para tu familia y para ayudar tambien a los animalitos que cuidas,muchas gracias!!🙏❤‍🔥💖🦮🐕‍🦺🐶🐾💞💞✨✨

  4. Poor little thing, he has no concept of what type of meat food you threw in there. Probably was not given much to each prior to being shoved under your gate. I cannot fathom why people have to mistreat these darling little babies all the time. I am sure he will come around to you and realise you are trying to feed him in time. I would have got a broom and gently persuaded him to get out of that corner and then picked him up and put him close to me and patted him reassuring him that all will be fine. I wish you had tried something during the course of this video. He should not stay in that horrible area. I hope all worked out.

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