1. Now THAT is so right!The cat did go ITSELF to the pool!some people throw OR put just them in to the water!

  2. yea. i heard of those. they're pretty cool. but yea. we all know when cats hit water and dont liek it, the claws come out and they're screamin and carryin on. i tried it lol. not torture so calm down. i have a long haired kitten and she cant clean herself properly so we bathed her. so dont come at me with that PETA stuff.

  3. Um actually it's inferring to the fact that I'm irritated with people in general because a large multitude of them do stupid things. This just added to the irritation and so I mentioned it here. Coerced or not POINT was the cat looked like it wanted to get out…period.

  4. And I didn't know you were an intrusively inquisitive buffoon, guess we both learned something. I'm not fond of repeating myself, but I said A LARGE MULTITUDE OF PEOPLE IN GENERAL. That doesn't equal all people. You may continue to spew forth inane remarks if wish. I'm bored with you. THE END.

  5. omg girlzrul229 that cat swam on it on option i did see any hands throw that cat n the water are u on crack cuz its must be making you see things and anyways that cat was probably this one breed i forgot the name but before they were domesticated they swam

  6. No, It's not a Turkish Van. Aside from the obvious physical differences, the owner of the cat already said to a previous poster its a mixed Japanese breed. And Turkish Van is a breed, not a species. Besides, both my Siamese AND my Turkish Van love swimming. It just depends on the personality and how early you introduce them to the water.

  7. It depresses me to see idiots that see what they want to see. The cat got in willingly and when it was done it went straight back to the corner t get out. Get your eyes checked.

  8. you should add the george lopez show into song on it, i was just watching it and just thought. it goes with the video

  9. If a cat wants to get out, she'll go insane. *stares at cat* you can't get her near water including holding her in the air near her tiny drinking bowl. She'll jump really high and scratch your eyes out.

  10. cute. What water temp does she like? I think my cat might like water because he's always trying to jump in the shower with me but I take him before he gets soaked.

  11. wow thats awesome. Some of the other swimming cat vids on youtube are fake. The cats hate the water, and beeline to get out. Your cat clearly loves it, he swims back and forth!

  12. now this is what yu call a kind good owner, lucky cat, has nice human parents that will pander to his/her every whim… including it's own plunge pool…. how many times does it pester to swim??

  13. That's definitely a Turkish Van…the swimming and its color pattern mark it. we have a Van mix and he doesn't swim yet, but we're hoping he'll get around to it!

  14. みくしから来ました、すごい、自分から行くんですね!大きなプールでも泳げそうですね

  15. Kitty looked kind of frightened with the super wide eyes. Or is that just the particular breed? Also, that is one weird looking tub.

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