An intro video with some information on what you should know before getting an Australian Cattle Dog. This video is just a small introduction to this breed. Please research any dog you plan on bringing into your home.

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  1. I got just got a Blue Heeler I've had a border collie for 7 years yes they know their borders and they will let you know if somebody comes within it

  2. Yes so true full of energy n he is my dog goes with me on walks n loves to hike . He is very protective. He’ll b 2 in June he gets crazy sometimes but love him so much .

  3. My female heeler has 2 barks. 1 is a high pitch bark when she is wanting you to do something for her or as we call it the diva bark and one is her low protective bark.

  4. Love the puppies in the background. Not same breed as dingos but have some in their ancestry. Yes my cattle x foxie i walked at a shelter in Sydney Australia picked me. He chased lizards and had to go to vet after being bitten by a Blue Tongue which you do not have there. I do not think they are suited to children. Or to city living. Like an miserable Australian cockatoo bird i saw at London Zoo i suspect they are best suited to their own country and culture. I'm not feeling happy hearing this and am feeling sorry for cattle dogs out of place in America.

  5. My Daisy is a 4 month old Blue Heeler and we can’t get her to stop herding us. I don’t want her to get hurt because she does it while we walk down the steps. We also don’t her to get hurt. Any tips?
    Thank you!!

  6. My ACD, took him to the vet he's gone to since I got him. The receptionist said be careful there are puppies outside. Guess she thought he would attack. I said he isn't mean he just doesn't like anyone but me.😁

  7. "Velcro Dog" – 100%! Also, my Luna (2 yr old, Red) is the BEST with my kids (11 & 10 now)! We got her at 8 weeks and she is WONDERFUL with my kiddos! Luna is my first and I have no regrets! She's the very best!!!!! My bond with my Luna is deeper than a Soulmate. Luna is not quiet – at all. She is very vocal! People say Huskies are chatty, and they are, but Luna would put them to the test. Her bark will rattle your bones and make you "poo" yourself! Oooh boy!

    I will say that my Luna is not a guard dog. She loves humans, all of them, and doesn't really care of any other dogs. She LOVES people. She will RUN up to anyone and just demand attention! HAHA

    As far as OCD, my Luna needs us to go to bed at a specific time and she has to crawl under the covers with me and snuggle right up next to my belly. She hates when I turn over, she needs to be cuddled up right up against my belly.

  8. Am lucky ,am Australian ,have had cattle dogs before though have had no dogs for about 20years due to my own inability to look after them like they deserve, gratefully I am now in a position to find that cattle dog love once again, can say this confidently, a cattle dog will save your life

  9. I have a dog that supposedly doesn't have any cattle dog in him but like….I don't buy it. He acts like one. I call him a hippo. He's okay with kids but they certainly aren't his favorite people in the world.

    Anyone calling them quiet likely has a cattle ranch

  10. I’ve had dumb luck with mine. Never had dogs before but fell in love with the breed and took on 2 . Long story short: I got lucky: no issues, 5 yrs in. I am active: walking, cycling, swimming. Best buddies I’ve ever had and as cute as all get out. I got lucky because I didn’t know a damn thing about the breed before I got them never mind the breed. God is good. Praise the Lord and my beautiful Blues

  11. Thinking about getting one of these dogs. This was informative thanks. It makes me super irritated when people get dogs and have no idea what there getting in to them they give them to the pound later after the dog has become attached to them. It’s not the dogs fault.

  12. I’m grateful every day that some amazing person trained my blue heeler to be incredibly cooperative and loving. She was given to me, her family didn’t want her any more. It was my luckiest day. She is the love of my life.

  13. This make me feel better about my self appointed neighborhood watch cattle dog mix. She takes a LONG time to warm up to people who enter her home. I thought I may have not socialized her enough (she’s almost 1) due to covid but it sounds like she’s lining up with some of common traits. She’s the most intelligent but challenging dog I’ve ever owned. She was a foster and then sort of adopted us after she fell in love with my am staff who teaches her to be a little more trusting towards people. I love her but she’ll be my first and last cattle dog.

  14. I had a blue healer for almost 17 years and he was an amazing boy. My husband and I would play hide and seek with him and he loved it but the right they have to be entertained. We used to crate for our boy and he was happy with it and then he had a big toy box with about 30 to 40 different toys that he knew each one by name. Extremely intelligent breed. Be ready for an extremely intelligent breed. My boy was blind at the end but it does run pretty popular within the breed.
    I just want to say that the moment that we switched to positive reinforcement with our blue heeler was the day we had a different dog positive reinforcement is the only way to train these guys. He liked to jump on us for a while. The secret to that is just put your knee up they lose their balance and then it becomes less of an appeal for them. I would like to swim too.
    I have one more thing to say. I was raised as a first soprano and my Cattle Dog and I would go out to the garage and we would haul together he loved it!!!
    Lastly, my boy had a rabies vaccination when he was four years old and from that point on we did titers every two years and it almost 17 years old he still had enough of the vaccine in the system. The other thing I wanna say is I had my boy private rec cremated because I learned that many of your dog chow companies use pets that have been rendered in a public facility as the protein source. Lastly I just want to say that in Australia dingoes do not bark they haul. They do that quite well.

  15. Thank you so much for making this video. I'm Australian, so this breed is very special to us and we all know that they're very smart and best suited for living on farms or really big properties. They want to work and they love their humans so much. There's a cartoon here in Australia called Bluey and it's about a family of blue heelers – the entire country loves this breed of dog and watching them work is just amazing. They work together so well – they're just such an amazing breed. Thank you for taking such good care of our beloved breed. You're an honorary Australian now 🙂

  16. Omg you aren’t Australian they aren’t dingos stfu

    Kelpies aren’t heelers, stumpy tailed arent the same. Just stop talking

  17. I call my bluey scissor lips real names Stormy yeh shes chewed my swag ,rain jacket so many pairs of socks ive lost count, handles of paint brushes she is the destroyer of anything can get her teeth on , she is so cute but so naughty but we love her she is so loyal no one gets near our yard ,best dog ever very very cuddly loves people.. you poodle Doodle fried noodle lovers don't no what a real dog is.

  18. I have my first blue healer I’ve always raised pitbull‘s , this (blue healer) is one of the smartest dogs I’ve ever had she just went through her first heat she sticks to me like glue she absolutely loves the chickens protect them watches over them but it took me time to train that in her she always wanted to bite their butts lol She makes me laugh all the time she is such a character I love her sassiness I just love her

  19. OMG The Labyrinth Worm. Thank you for advice. We just recued a puppy. She is now 8 months old. DNA shows that she is 40% ACD. All Behavior is consistent. How to keep her busy, top 5 tips? She is keeping us up at night, any advice for changing her schedule? She just wants to sleep during day. Hoping that half day – day care will help her stay acitve. IDK.

  20. The Thing about the blind ness and deafness – wow I noticed that in my pup off the bat, I kinda felt that that might be the case. 😔🏞️,
    She's so beautiful I'll be both for her always.

  21. I’m rescuing a 6 mo old male in a week and I’m in full research mode. I’m SO grateful for all of your content and information. So many people think I’m crazy, but I’ve always had terriers and believe I’m up for this breed. If I could ask you one question it would be about during the work day. I work M-F, 8:30-5 and am fully committed to an hour-ish walk every morning, can come home at lunch and then be ready to roll at 5pm. Given this scene, I’d love to know any advice you might have 🙏🏼

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