I used a water dispenser many years ago. But my cats didn’t use it, so I haven’t used it in a long time. There are many water dispensers on the market now, so I will try it again.
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Maru_0524

#猫 #まる #cats


  1. Pardon if you have already read this. You could mix tuna water in their drinking water and see if that will encourage them to drink more water.

  2. 猫って蛇口から直接だと結構水を飲んだり


  3. Good job !!! – I have a larger brim cup that I keep away from their food and litter, as cats do not like water source near food source, and they drink much better, plus the larger brim gives more access to their whiskers, their water is near my washroom so they get fresh cold water more than a few times a day.

  4. まるさん みりちゃんは 水道から流れる水も好きそうだったから、流れがあるとグビグビいける口かもですね👍️
    おまけの 偉そうにバケツに収まる まるさん

  5. みんな、シリンジから飲むの上手👏))主様のあげ方が良かったからですね😊うちにいた猫は水道の蛇口から飲みたがるタイプだったので、ペット用の電動で湧き水みたいに循環する水入れを買ったら、喜んで飲んでいました。🐱🚰まだお試しでなかったら、是非まるさん達にも試してみて下さい🤗

  6. 凄い!3匹とも嫌がらずに上手に飲んでる😳


  7. すごい。みんなちゃんと飲んでる!

  8. fantastique je pensais que ce serait laborieux et pas du tout
    au contraire ils y ont pris goût
    sages matous

    bravo @mugumogu pour l'idée (seringue)
    et chouette ça a porté ses fruits maintenant ils boivent
    super !

  9. みりちゃん、水飲めるようになったんですね、良かった、良かった😊👍🏻

  10. Many cat owners may not be happy with what I say, but if you love your cat you will stop feeding kibble – Jackson Galaxy's channel (he is a cat specialist, had an Animal Planet show called 'My Cat From Hell' a while back) has a video "The Food, The Bad & The Ugly" where he explains how dry food is made and it's the complete opposite of how a cat's body processes food. Equivalent to eating only junk food all the time – and the lack of moisture is terrible for a cat, who can almost go without water if they eat wet food (cans and pouches) alone. I just know I want Maru and all of his extended family of fans to have all our beloved felines stick around and be as healthy as they can be for as long as possible – and that starts by stopping the dry food for good

  11. In the videos for the otter, Sakura, on Ma ko channel, they have bottles that are held upside down and the otter drinks from the spout which has a ball bearing in the end of the metal tube. When she moves the ball bearing, water comes out and she drinks.


  12. Give them water that has boiled and cooled down, in a large bowl with the water from a tin of tuna added to it. 🐟🍵

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