1. Cute dogs with goofy filter. If you ever need help in the war agaisnt the wild pigsm my two bassests will come and help. There small but mighty miny big snoots will help

  2. This video really changed my life before this video I lived in a 1 cm by 1 cm house with no lights and no windows and no door and I would cry every single day and I had no food or water but after this video I now live in 3 billion square foot mansion and have unlimited food and water and I am the President of the United States

  3. sneep snorps also if the oracle has prodecited another loss we could change that prediction with the help of a certain bacon loving pit corso named peaches

  4. the fact that it took me a second to realise that all of these are photoshopped is proof positive that these are truly gods sneepiest snornp snoots.

    May they be blessed with pringle cans and may the manor stand against turkey or pig forevermore

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