Dragging isn’t a fundamental part of dog ownership – it’s a symptom of a pushy & impulsive mindset that is reinforced (accidentally) by the owner allowing it because they think that’s just what dogs do! Oops.

If you want to learn how to shift your relationship, shape your dog’s mindset & build a better teammate, check my eCourse. If you want FREE TIPS keep reading…

I hate seeing this behavior so often because it’s sooooo fixable and also so dangerous. A dog with a pushy mindset is more likely to:
Pull on leash
Dart out of doors
Jump on people
Get into dog fights
Get more easily frustrated
Whine & bark
Steal food…. All the things we complain about!

Addressing this behavior takes awareness & consistency on the part of the handler (no cell phones on walks! Just pay attention to your dog.)

Think of your dog having a bowling ball perfectly balanced in their center. This ball is their focus, energy, and movement. When they pull it’s because their attention locked on, their energy increased, and their body followed. The earlier you can notice the shift in focus or energy, the lighter you can be – ideally not using a touch cue at all.

Your meditation as a handler is how tuned into your dog you can be and how quickly you can cue your dog when that bowling ball tips towards something they want.

I’m NOT saying don’t let your dog smell. My clients know how many sniff sniff breaks I stop for. I just don’t reward a pull with a sniff or that’s what I get more of.

Think of diving for a smell like walking hand in hand with someone – then giving them whiplash as you make a hard right to check something out. Rude. Unnecessary. Disrespectful.

Instead you communicate that you want to go see a thing & go together.

Dogs do this so often because
1) we let it work – we follow then wait while they sniff

2) we miss their ‘I’m interested in that’ cues so they have to get LOUD to get our attention

It can get better!

Do you want a relationship with someone who asks you or drags you? Check out my eCourse in two hours you can understand your dog on a level that will open doors & extend walks!

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