1. in South Africa I bred irish setters for 40 years . Now I live in the UK and took a cross springer spaniel x border collie from the local doggie home, with one blue eye and one brown eye , a Sprollie  and hes a lovable nutter. Every squirrel in the forest heads top side when Charlie is around he runs biserk.

  2. Oh god… As much as I love dogs, I wouldn't be able to handle it if my dog just started "singing" and "playing" the piano.

  3. I love how he tries out different pianos. He's like, "Uh this one has a good sound, but let's try the next one" So unbelievably cute and hilarious.

  4. The Irish Setter dog 🐕 is happy 😆 playing with the piano 🎹 and barking. He moves onto another piano 🎹 and barks again . 😀

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