1. 이쁜 아이들 간식 먹이는 것도 힘드시겠어요~그래도 아가들 먹는 간식이라 똑같이 나눠 주시길요~~아가들 아빠말씀 잘듣고 형제간 사이좋게 잘지내길 바랄께요❤❤❤

  2. 顔が違うから一匹じゃないのかなと思っていたけど、五匹もいるとは驚いた!

  3. apple fruits is not good to eat for the dog its ruin their internal organ such their liver and pancreas and kidney…food that goods for them are brocoli,cocumber carrots , cabage goods for their health according to veterenary doc

  4. Why r u doing partiality with some dogs ? Why dont u tend u divide foods equally among the dogs ? Humans r not eligible to have any pets.

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