UFC Champion Cris Cyborg is an animal lover and already owns a 9 year old Golden Lab/Retriever mix male dog named Fedor and a 1 year old F3 Bengal named Laila Ali. Adding a new animal to any family can be complicated, however Cris Cyborg’s new f1 bengal seems to be adjusting to cat toilet training just fine


  1. Not only does this cat look bad ass, and has possibly the best name in the history of cats, but it pees in the toilet too? Wtf this is some next level catting

  2. You take a string with a ball and put it on the flusher and you show her and she will pull that ball down to flush the toilet I know somebody who did that

  3. And I'm going to say something and I'm not just saying it cuz it's you but that's the best damn looking cat I ever seen that looks like a leopard print it looks awesome and I'm not a cat person but that cat is awesome I'm sure you paid a pretty penny for that.

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