Male cat Anne stayed behind the Duee during the daytime for the first time in a few days.
Red Anne was relaxed while being watched by Paradis.
The reddish cat trusted with me and Silver tabby.

So I called the red to come to the front side of Duee, but he did not come.

Red tabby ran away to the top of the water tank near Gohkun’s apartment.

In the past few days Anne feared Deginger (a dangerous ginger-white) and he would not readily come until the sun went down.

So I asked the silver cat to bring the red cat again to this side.
(July 1, 2018 mid afternoon)




Passage de la Duee 恵の抜け道


  1. I always love watching you go on your cat adventures. My brother and sister pair of cats were alerted by the Meows in the video. They were looking for a new cat! Peace, Love , and Blessings from Wild Wonderful West Virginia!!! 😸🤪😺

  2. Silver Paradis and Red Anne like each one another 🙂
    I'm so glad you want to take Red Cat Anne to you once he is more familiar so he has a home.

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