Should you get your dog’s ears cropped? Today we talk about all the pros and cons to ear cropping your dog. This video will discuss all the arguments on both sides of this issue in an attempt to help you decide for yourself whether getting your dog’s ears cropped is the right choice or if you should go with a natural, floppy-eared Doberman. Either way is a great choice!

Please remember that ear cropping may not be legal or widely performed in your country, but this is a big world. In many countries (the United States included) Doberman ear cropping is an incredibly common procedure. So please keep an open mind since this is such a big world with so many different cultures, and let’s all learn something!

To learn more about the Doberman ear cropping procedure, including the aftercare that you, as the owner, will have to undertake, see my video all about the ear cropping process here:

As most Doberman owners know all too well, not every dog product works well for this unique breed. That’s why I maintain a list of the best products I’ve found so far for Dobermans.

– Recommended Doberman toys:

– Recommended Doberman puppy must-haves:

– Recommended Doberman foods and treats:

– Recommended Doberman walking and hiking gear:

– Recommended Doberman hygiene products:

– Recommended Doberman high-tech gear:

When you’re ready to decide if owning a Doberman is right for you, make sure you check out:

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I am a dog trainer who specializes in the Doberman breed. I have significant knowledge of this breed and provide insight into the breed as a whole, but not on the individual dog. Individual dogs and circumstances vary, and therefore your experience may be different. I am not a veterinarian, canine nutritionist, or behaviorist. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian, canine nutritionist, or other professional before making any decisions regarding the care, health, or diet of your dog. I often rely on the research, studies, and publications of experts while presenting certain related topics outside my field of expertise. This video presents my opinions and personal interpretations of this information only and may contain partial, anecdotal, or incomplete information. Watching this video does not supersede your responsibilities of doing your own research and due diligence.

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  1. I love Dobbie's with their ears cropped and we had one. The problem we had with her was we live in a very cold winter environment and she got frost bite after a good walk. It's off leash walking for the most part as we live great spot in Deep River, Ontario. Our last girl didn't have her ears cropped and the cold wasn't a problem. We are due to get our next and first male Dobbie in about three weeks. Thank you for your videos. It's my wifes' first pup. She has know idea what coming. Wish us luck

  2. Having ears cropped is not required it’s just to give a aggressive look. Always had dropped ears does not effect hearing at all on them. Cropped you have more chance of ear infection and dirt especially in long grass.

  3. My mothers Dobbi is not cropped, and is a beast of a dog with his 110 punds. He look s like a gym bro 😀 But his shining brown color mascerades his roots.

    So i guess, you dont need to write Alpha on his head with cropping, he simply breathes it like a champ, but a adorable big dog, cozy like hell if he likes you.

  4. When we got our red Dobie Jumba, he came to us with a botched tail docking, neutered, with uncropped ears and no dewclaws. He was a rescue the original owner wanted him as a guard dog but kept him in a backyard unsocialized he had never walked on pavement! Traffic, other dogs (especially other males) terrified him and he would act very aggressively, he was almost a whole year old with ZERO training which is just so bad for this breed. Well it's coming up on a year of having him and he is house broken, plays and socializes with certain dogs mostly female but he has one or two male friends. He is a Velcro dog for sure and is so affectionate it's sometimes annoying. He lives with another dog, a black female lab named Boba who he used to just attack for no reason he has since stopped. He is very protective of everyone in our family and really likes everyone he interacts with. Although he still acts shady in the company of some smaller dogs not all like there is a dachshund he adores but some mid size breeds he is adversarial toward. I never know when his trauma switch is flipped because it's always random but I never know when his trauma switch is flipped because it's always unexpected and random to us. But over all he is leaps and bounds better than when we rescued him. He lives happily with lots of toys he and his sister have their own room, they go for long exhausting walks daily and every single day is new. He has a few bad habits we are trying to train out of him so the work continues….

  5. WTF is with this ppl this days…. cut parrots wings feathers sooo he can't get away , cut dog ears to look dangeurs …..and ppl call himself animal lovers….. its hardly any animal lover this days its more like fashion for ppl to show himself in public.

  6. I own a German Pinscher, which is very similar to the Doberman in that respect! When I see him using his ears and tail to communicate, I am speechless at the question. Of course NO cropping!

  7. I am so confused, they look so cool when ear is cropped but my other side says keep her how the nature created her. I got a brown one female, don't know. The tail will be kept for sure but ear confuses me. With non cropped ear especially brown ones look like a skinny labrador 😀

  8. I think it’s sick how its “supposedly” the human’s decision to decide wether to basically cut off a part of an animal’s body just for them to fit their esthetic? Not only disturbing and appalling, but animal cruelty! Or course they don’t speak human to even be able to communicate this, and at the same time dogs are people pleasers. They will even “show affection” with their abuser!

  9. I went for the cropped look. Didn't bother her at all, was her same old puppy self the next day, just with something on her head, which after a while she became so used to it she thought it was part of her "uniform" and stood still while I posted her ears and put the cone on. Floppy eared dobies look like hound dogs. No thanks.

  10. For me, unless it's a medical requirement I'm not gonna put any of my dogs through unneeded medical procedures for no reason my Jack Russel never had her tail docked and she was perfectly happy and healthy to the end

  11. I had a male, uncropped Dobe. He was an awesome Dog!…. he had constant ear infections though
    .. yeast issues, because his ears couldn't dry out as easily. He looked like a hound dog. Still awesome, but cropped ears gives you the fierce appearance that is such a strong 'bad guy' deterrent.

  12. It is better not to cut in your dog. In Europe it is not legal – It is also not legal to cut there tales of. But in the US they dont give a S… – In the US it is OK to harm dogs and other animals.
    The excuses you give for cutting in your dog is 100% pure BS.

  13. It's human ignorance.. it's vanity.. it serves no purpose but for show reasons.. When I breed rottweilers they keep their tails.. I'm that kinda guy..

  14. Back in 1976 I had both crop and natural I live in California USA and the uncrop Dobie suffer so much from flies bitting his ears so every day I had to put ointment to prevent this and the crop had no problems now is illegal back then it wasn’t

  15. Personally I feel long cropping looks really goofy. Out of any type cropping style I only feel show cropping looks proper, as well as the least impactful to the dog's natural ear structure. Not to mention that's how they were originally cropped.

  16. I have 2 German Shepherds and when its their time my next 2 will be Dobermans (1 Male/ 1 Female) both cropped ears and docked tails.

  17. personally i just dont understand it, besides there is many intimidating, guardian dogs with naturally pointy ears, no surgery necessary, get one of them instead >.>

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