1. everyone is so tens and mean and rough with to dogs they just wanna play and run and sotalize not walk back and forth and be jundged by those pricks

  2. To the comments saying they're fat in the UK – have you seen the American ''Bullies''? Yes? The short, stocky & extremely fat with maybe a hint of muscle? They're awful looking & when they breathe they sound like a 90 year old man with lung cancer. Sorry but it's true. These staffs on this video are very well bred and how they're supposed to be. Right height, length & shape. 

  3. fine physique, good solid and stocky, not like the half breed mixes that are seen elsewhere on you tube. Although of course temprament and character is everything with any dog no matter what its breeding is 

  4. wow your are right it is a German show. English is a reference that the Staffordshire Bull is associated with as it is their place of orgin. 

  5. I had been very ill and had to go to Bath for a result of a test. I said to my husband if I have to go thru this, I want a bit of joy to the end of  the day. I want to go look at the fluffy dog's at Bath Cats and Dogs Home. He agreed and we went in and looked at the dogs. I dragged him away from the needy, very needy SBT that was there, but couldn't help asking what was wrong with him. The woman at the desk was clearly a plant as no sooner had I asked and I/We were walking this dog. I stood my ground and left but Boochy Boo as my husband refers to him  stayed in my mind. We returned and yes we took the brute home. He is adorable and loving and kind. Strong as an Ox.  He is without  doubt the gentlest dog I have ever had. His name is Milo not Boochy Boo as hubby keeps referring to him as. Although it has to be said Milo loves it.

  6. Most I see is a lot of leash pulling by owners who might wanna have trained their dogs even better. Cute dogs but where is the impressive element in this show?

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