See the Power of DOBERMAN, He was created for this

When the classically German bred Doberman Pinschers are the topic of conversation, its unique build, stamina, and power cannot be overlooked. The Doberman Pinscher has remained a renowned guardian and canine companion.

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  1. My cousin had a Doberman I was like 100% scared but he was rly loyal and cute but scary at the same time and I didn’t see him in like 9 days and he grew so fast:0

  2. If you sick that dog on me I will kill it with my bare hands Dogs are not threat to kill primates that know exactly what to do to stop them All they can do is bikeI've done this before, And subdued a dog attacking me put him in the headlock And And choked him out The pitbull that attacks me Was smashed with the cinder block and killed

  3. Excellent breed sadly people got greedy.. and out of greed we now have these beautiful dogs with health issues… before breeding , purchasing, know the breeder know the dogs, DCM is always fatal in every Doberman .. and we are looking at 80% of all Dobermans today will develop DCM

  4. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


  6. My first dog was a doberman, he died not a while ago, it really got to me his death, i got really impacted to the point i got the best male and female doberman i could put my hands and money on and I'm gonna have a ton of them for life, i love them to the point I'd jump Infront of a bullet to save my dogs and the awesome thing about it is they'd do the same for me

  7. There not only dog made to protect any dog can be taute to protect an alot have it in there genes like doberman but there smarts is really what helps them not just being breed to protect the German rottweiler is same just bigger more powerful dog I had pit bull an rottweiler an doberman an German shepherds an Belgian malinois an best guard dog out of them was chow chow an it was just as smart strong an protective but so much better in every way

  8. Why do you call them Pinscher?

    In Germany we call this dog simply Dobermann, because there are no variations like e.g. with the shepherd dog (German shepherd dog, Belgian shepherd dog, East European shepherd etc.).

    Hence my question, what is the purpose of the byword "Pinscher"?

  9. I love a dob. I'm 48. I have 40+ send I was 4 yrs old. My son had a blue. He is lap dog. He is 45lb now. ❤️❤️❤️❤️.

  10. One criticism is that the Dobies were tethered. My limited experience is that the dog will drive to get a deeper bite then go limp and not pull/shake. During the push in there is almost a machine series of bites until they get set deep. (270 psi bite force)

  11. The Doberman pinscher performs well in the areas of search and rescue……. inserts cute video of dobies having Starbucks

    Lmaooo ❤❤❤❤

  12. This video is ignorant as hell.
    The German bloodline of Doberman is NOT a family dog as they are very fierce and aggressive. They will kill children. They are as bad as pit bulls in this regard. But unlike pit bulls, the German Dobie has a purpose, to guard and protect. These dogs are for adverse conditions unsuitable to humans ie, inclement weather, night time darkness, extreme solitude etc. They must be able ,and willing, to fight – trust me, with a 600 lb bite force and 40 mph running speed at 100 lbs body weight…; they can do just that.
    American Doberman on the other hand, ARE family friendly. They are amazing in fact. But the aggression and muscle has been bred out of them. They are far more skittish, easily scared and less physically fit. They are less likely to guard anything and more likely to show the robbers where you keep the dog treats.

  13. You’re completely wrong about them not being attack dogs.. wtf are you talking about? You’ve clearly never owned one. 😂
    These dogs won’t hesitate to fuck a threat up whatsoever.

  14. Our Doberman named Red was just special. Loyal, fierce, sweet, discerning, athletic, social, protective, and alert. He was 1000% committed to my wife, myself , our daughters, and even our friends when they were in our presence. Reading and matching your mood whether, happy, sad, alert, lazy, or pumped was his specialty. If you were sick he absolutely knew and would express genuine concern and love on you with all his compassion until you were better.

    He had this strange ability of remembering every person who ever visited our house (there were many due to our love for pool parties)and caring for them like he did for us when we were home. However, if anyone outside our immediate family were to come to our house when he was left alone they would always comment on how intimidating his protective disposition was when alone. Like "we are cool when mommy and daddy are around, but I don't know you like that to come in this house without their approval when I'm alone. Dobermans have 100% natural family dog AND protection instincts and you can train them to be the extreeme side of either or right in the middle.

    One thing I will have to comment on is that our Doberman was absolutely distraught when he had any separation between us and him. Even a baby gate to keep him in a section of the same room to calm a kid scared of dogs would elicit his constant whining and protest. Any person visiting that was scared of dogs seemed to elicit this challenge to him to win that person (adult or child) over. He would ignore all the people who he knew he could get tons of petting and snacks from and focus on winning over the scared visitor. He would sweetly sit in front of them, try to extend his paw gently touching them, lay on his back, gently rest his head on their lap whatever it took until they were petting this giant Doberman like a dog lover. It was his ultimate challenge to prove he wasn't scary to our scared visitors. We cannot count the number of little children terrified of dogs he won over and people comnenting how their child never petted a dog for absolute fear of them. My favorite were the adults so set on that they were afraid of dogs and seeing how hard and gently Red worked to win them over. I think he took offense to not being absolutely loved by everyone. It was definitely a therapy dog trait in him.

    If we took a vacation we always HAD to and I mean had to pay a doggy sitter who he loved to visit him walk him and play in the pool daily.

    He was absolutely a Velcro dog and was in no way meant to be outside alone. He NEEDED to always have you in sight and preferably close enough to be touching. When you allowed him on the bed he could not sleep unless he was literally touching you. Ii can't count the times I'd scoot thinking my big Doberman needed space all the way until I was about to fall off the bed then realized even an inch was too much separation for him. They are a huge responsibility to take with you or assure they don't worry themselves to death when you step away. However, they pay you back a million times over in Love and the feeling that you are soo protected by one of the most beautiful creatures. I miss my Doberman so much.

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