This is the first video of a special video series featuring Japan’s Cat Island! To experience the amazing history and culture of Japan’s Cat Island, watch the acclaimed Japanese documentary “Cat Heaven Island” (English Subtitled):

Watch the Cat Island Video Series. New episodes will be added so be sure to subscribe!

Like Tashirojima, Aoshima island (青島), Ehime, has become one of the popular destinations for the cat lovers. The island has 15 people (between 50-80 years old) and more than 100 cats. There is neither inn, restaurant nor vending machine.

During WWII, many people escaped to the island from the main land. The island population hit the highest of 655 people in 1960. There have not been enough job so many people left the island. On 1976 the island’s only primary school shut down. In early 2000 the cat population started to grow while the human population hit then new low, 50. Today you only see 15 people( 4 fishermen and the rest retirees) on the island.

There are nos car or even a bike on the island, so there are real threats to the cats, where they live peacefully among the many abandoned houses.

Another cat island in Japan is Tashirojima Island (田代島) in Ishinomaki, Miyagi, with 86 inhabitants and more than 100 cats. On this island, the cat is enshrined. There is a cat shrine and also a cat photo competition!

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Kittens and bunnies, what’s not to love?


  1. All these pussy cats roaming around. They could spread diseases. There should be local laws to round them up and to find new owners for them. Or just to humanely dispose of them if they are too old to be retrained for human commitments.

  2. I’m more surprised at the fact that all of the cats seem to get along with each other. I have exactly three cats in my entire neighborhood including my own and none of them get along.

  3. its interesting to see this many cats in one area that aren't being insanely territorial towards eachother. Many cats I've seen are pretty territorial and it takes a long time for them to be okay with another cat. So its interesting to see so many cats in a place that've grown up having to coexist with other cats.

  4. "Reporting to command centre: a base in Japan has been successfully established. We'll work our way up from here to complete our ultimate mission of total world domination.

  5. Right there in shade area i build shelves and all cloth material for them to be on some where they can rest, then i get a 2 long planet potty i use one for water other for food! Show appreciation for keeping the rotten at bae

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