Check out this entire “spa day” for one special Doberman named Zeta. In this video you’ll learn how to really care for your Doberman on a regular basis including bathing, brushing (grooming), ear cleaning, nail trimming, and teeth brushing. Zeta’s owners really pampered her in this video by giving her an entire “spa day”. They also discovered that there was a major hiccup caused by their recent vet visit that had a huge impact on their future care of their Doberman. Check out this video to learn how to care for your Doberman from top to bottom, on a regular schedule!

➡️ The grooming gloves and other hygiene products shown can be found here:

As most Doberman owners know all too well, not every dog product works well for this unique breed. That’s why I maintain a list of the best products I’ve found so far for Dobermans.

– Recommended Doberman toys:

– Recommended Doberman puppy must-haves:

– Recommended Doberman foods and treats:

– Recommended Doberman walking and hiking gear:

– Recommended Doberman hygiene products:

– Recommended Doberman high-tech gear:

When you’re ready to decide if owning a Doberman is right for you, make sure you check out:

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00:00 Introduction
00:34 Bathing
01:40 Grooming or Brushing
02:32 Ear Cleaning
03:12 Nail Trimming
04:04 Teeth Brushing
05:20 What Happened
07:20 An Important Lesson Learned
08:23 Outro

Doberman Planet specializes in the Doberman breed. We have significant knowledge of this breed and provide insight into the breed as a whole, but not on the individual dog. Individual dogs and circumstances vary, and therefore your experience may be different. We are not veterinarians, canine nutritionists, or behaviorists. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian, canine nutritionist, or other professional before making any decisions regarding the care, health, or diet of your dog. We often rely on the research, studies, and publications of experts while presenting certain related topics outside our field of expertise. This video presents the personal opinions of those pictured speaking and may contain partial, anecdotal, or incomplete information. Their opinions do not necessarily represent those of Doberman Planet, its owners, employees, contractors, partners, affiliates, or other people or organizations associated with us. Watching this video does not supersede your responsibilities of doing your own research and due diligence.

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  1. Such a gorgeous pupper!!! 😍

    (Yes I know she's not a puppy anymore 🙄 but all big dogs still act like puppies 😍)

  2. I love you're videos man I havnt got a doberman yet but I'm gonna get one soon doberman are my dream dog I love how they walk with a purpose and there bold and majestic I just wish people could treat them better instead of putting a label on a dog just because of its looks I love yall working so hard to spread awareness about this amazing beautiful loving kid of dog🙏❤️💯

  3. Do your dobermans eat really fast? I feel like my dog just devours it’s meal. Also are they the type that will stop when full or keep going?

  4. Hi dobermangang thans John for the nice video like always, match love from belgium from Finn the doberman and Maja 😃🐾🐾

  5. I
    Our Dobe somehow came to hate those nail clippers later on as well. I never considered the vets office. We switched to a Dremel tool and he tolerates that process. If he sees the clippers…LOL…it’s not going to happen.

  6. Lets talk about the nail clip thing. while it is possible to focus all of the dogs trust on you and be the only trusted experience in the dogs life for such tasks; there are other ways to go. Taking your dog to the vet or groomer explicitly to have their nails done can help normalise the entire experience for them. The key to training this is being present during the clipping. Walk back with the groomer or vet, command the hop up on the table, and gently engage with your dog and the groomer. Over time each seperate person who clips him just becomes a non issue. If you are willing to put in this level of work, this will be an important part of a very relaxed and permissive dog with a easy going attitude about strangers. .. thanks for the video .. keep up the good work!

  7. She sure is a beauty!! I've raised 4 black/tan Dobermans. They are a wonderful breed. So intelligent and loyal. Our son was just a baby when we had our 1st Doberman, and she was so sweet and protective of him. She would let him lay against her and they would go to sleep! They're excellent family dogs! Zada is gorgeous!❤

  8. Gee, sad that the vet got blamed for the new problem with nail trim. As a groomer with 25 years experience its something you hear all to often. Yes, I agree that a bad experience can make it tough especially if they quicked some nails. But I know from experience that nail trim on my puppy dobes changed around 5-6 months when they decided to be trying dominance over me. First, you shouldn't do any dogs nails on the floor or couch. That is a great place to handle the feet and toes. Makes touching them for trims easier. But on the ground/couch you are on their territory. They will test you to see just how far they can go. Not as an aggressive stance. Just a test to the owner. Little pups don't do that. What I have found in every breed, the first 2 or 3 grooms are usually the easiest. Then 3rd or 4th one they realize they can test you. if you can keep their confidence and teach them you are there to do a job and can work together they usually end up being pretty great dogs to groom the rest of their lives. I have groomed many many dogs for their entire lives and kept some clients for multiple generations of dogs. I have many clients that have remained with me for the entire 25 years that I have been grooming. Just for instance in my newest male doberman. I could grind his nails without putting him on a table for many months. Then one day he decided nope… Nothing had happened. No nail had ever been quicked. Now I do him on a table and he gives me his foot as readily as a poodle does when shaving their feet. All I did was take him from where he felt was his territory to a neutral zone. So, before blaming the vet just make sure that isn't what is going on. We all know that there is an age where the doberman that is confidant will decide to test the owner. Not because they are bad. Just as a child will eventually try the same with a parent. Part of maturing. Learning boundaries. I have noticed that my females did this sooner than my male dobes but also were quicker to use the teachable moments and try to please quicker. My males have always matured slower. So, after saying all this, they are great owners and just the type of owner I love having as a client. But wanted to explain that it might not be the vets fault.

  9. We have a beautiful dob Khoda. He was attacked by a swarm of gound bees. My son brushed them off and was bitten himself several times. He rushed him home and we immediately bathed him in Oatmeal soap and Baking soda. Gave him benadryl and kept an eye on him. He was devastated. He probably had at least 15 bites. The benadryl worked really good. He was ok by the next day. I asked the vet if I should bring him in and she said there were no appt available and there is no emergency Dr's available. I was really glad I had a medical kit for my dog.

  10. My 13 week old girl likes tye bath..she won't do the nails thing yet though. Turns herself into an elastic band monster and wriggles away..

  11. NOTE: I made this comment before reaching the commentaries about the "courtesy nail trimming" at the veterinarian:
    If or when clipping the nails is too hard to handle, at least use TWO people, as you did when cleaning the dog in the shower. One person stabilizes the shoulders and head and other person positions foot and clips each nail.

  12. NOW I am very curious to know what exactly happened with the Courtesy Nail Trimming at the veterinarian's office which made the dog change in behavioral response to YOUR nail trimming/clipping job?

  13. I am also curious – Your own effort to clip the nails in this video did not show any use of hitching, but instead showed you wanted to do everything loosely. Did the groomer at the vet's office hitch the dog (and dog not accustomed to being nail-clipped in this manner)?

  14. good video. I had one Dobe who volunteered his paws for trimming regardless of who was doing it. They are not all the same except being wonderful dogs.

  15. We bathe our goofy boy about once a week. He has special shampoo because apparently dogs don’t particularly like the smell of perfumes. So he has doggy stuff. It makes him happy.
    Full ears and tail. We also give him things that makes his digestive tract Comfy. He looks a lot like her.

  16. Very interesting how nail trimming became an issue after a courtesy trim. Kudos for mentioning it. Very interesting n valuable info. Anticipating ur next upload. Peace

  17. She’s beautiful!! I’ve had 7 Dobes and a litter. It was the best, most rewarding time of my life. There’s nothing like the loyal, phenomenal Doberman!!

  18. Off topic, however… I have found a fantastic toy for Dobermans! 30 days and no holes, the squeakers still squeak! No lose material…. Outward Hound invincible squeaker!

  19. Could you please help me with some advice? My 14 week old Doberman won’t stop biting my 4 year old to the point where my son is terrified of him.. it’s got to the point where my son is afraid to leave the safety of the sofa because as soon has he does Obi is on him straight away and we can’t get him to stop

  20. I did all my dobermans care she was people shy until she got to know you not mean just would cower and crunch up due to a abuse she suffered from her previous owner and when I took her to the groomer the lady was not patient at all and yelled at her to stand and then put a lead around her neck and raised it up so high that she was choking I was watching this and then burst in the room and said stop if this is how you treat animals then you don't have what it takes to do your job and after I did everything for her and when I was done doing her one paw and would say next paw and she would stick out the next one. She loved her daddy dogger day

  21. How do I get my Doberman to stop jumping up to steal things? She just can't keep all four paws on the floor.

  22. You guys do such a great job with Zeta and are so attentive to what happens in her life! She's so beautiful! I've never bathed my doberman who will turn 2 on Christmas night, but this contribution might change my mind on trying. My girl just seems to have dirt just fall off of her in natural activity.

  23. John, I have a Doberman pinscher, she lets me handle her feet, but when it comes to cutting her toenails, she pulls her Paw back towards herself. How do I regain her trust!

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