Building confidence in a Doberman Pinscher is incredibly important. Many problems owning a Doberman can be caused by a lack of confidence. A confident Doberman means less behavior and training issues, and just a generally easier life with your dog. So in this video, we’ll talk about many ways you can build confidence in your Doberman including via games like tug-of-war, your attitude, training methods, and even confidence-building socialization techniques. There aren’t a ton of timid, fearful, or shy Dobermans out there but many of their owners don’t even realize that they are! This very often leads to a dog with biting and reactivity issues, and an owner who is confused about why they’re occurring. Here’s how to tell if your Doberman is fearful, timid, shy, or lacking confidence, and what to do about it!

As most Doberman owners know all too well, not every dog product works well for this unique breed. That’s why I maintain a list of the best products I’ve found so far for Dobermans.

– Recommended Doberman toys:

– Recommended Doberman puppy must-haves:

– Recommended Doberman foods and treats:

– Recommended Doberman walking and hiking gear:

– Recommended Doberman hygiene products:

– Recommended Doberman high-tech gear:

When you’re ready to decide if owning a Doberman is right for you, make sure you check out:

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I am a dog trainer who specializes in the Doberman breed. I have significant knowledge of this breed and provide insight into the breed as a whole, but not on the individual dog. Individual dogs and circumstances vary, and therefore your experience may be different. I am not a veterinarian, canine nutritionist, or behaviorist. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian, canine nutritionist, or other professional before making any decisions regarding the care, health, or diet of your dog. I often rely on the research, studies, and publications of experts while presenting certain related topics outside my field of expertise. This video presents my opinions and personal interpretations of this information only and may contain partial, anecdotal, or incomplete information. Watching this video does not supersede your responsibilities of doing your own research and due diligence.

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  1. Another EXCELLENT video from Doberman Planet! I have a new dobie and have been following your videos all along, and THEY WORK! Your information is exact and 100% accurate! Thank You John and Arlow what a great team!

  2. He quick question I was scrolling through Instagram on a European doberman page and I kept seeing dobermans with a big chest and when I mean big it was literally out and I wanted to ask is that how the European dobermans are supposed to be when they are grown ups cause I seen that it causes hart problems?

  3. John can you please share a good breeder for European doberman where did you get Arlo, we looking for a puppy doberman. Thank you

  4. Hey man is there anyway to get in contact with you ? I just have some minor questions. I’ve been watching your videos since I got my first Doberman 3 years ago but he has unfortunately passed away. I have a new 9 week old but everything little thing has me worried because of all the things I went though medically with my first one. Thank you for all the help you’ve given me without even knowing man.

  5. Hey, odd question but do you know how compatible a Doberman is with cats, I have a Doberman and a cat and he’s gentle with smaller dogs but hates my cat is there anyway for me to change that ?

  6. The only Dobermans that I have seen with a lack of confidence is the American breed Dobie but never seen a lack of confidence in the European Dobie's and I have had both breed and raised them for years got my first one in 1974 which was straight out of Germany and Beleave me they did not lack confidence but with the American blood lines I did see that where they where trying to breed them down to be more just big pets and yes both of these breeds where real good of letting you no if you where in a low blood sugar because I my self am a bad Diabetic. I told people about how good they where about this and they thought I was kidding but they seen I was not kidding very very smart animals to me one of the smartest.

  7. What about fear of aggressive, happy chihuahuas?
    My Dobie girl was recently body slammed by an overly confident chihuahua.
    She is not afraid of any large dogs, plays and runs with all kinds of dogs, but these tiny creatures can send her into a frenzy flight just with their hysterical yapping.

  8. I just got a 5 month dobie and she is insecure on the street. It's hard to take a walk with her… She's too afraid of other dogs and even people

  9. I have 2 doberman one i got she was past the 16 week puppy age and she still has some confidence issues. We got our boy when she was a year and he was 9 weeks so he is way more confident because i had more time to work with him and some of his confidence rubs off on her.

  10. Loud noises is one I worked with early with my male and he has no fear of noises. He will fall asleep next to a running vacuum.

  11. Hej John! I just wanted to share a quick story from my class today…i was really bored so i took 2 thick highilighters and 2 thin and i practiced ear posting with them than my teacher saw me and asked me what i was doing and i told her "rewraping my dobermans ears" obviousley zoned out 😂

  12. Great videos. Really informative… I have always really wanted to get a dobermann, but never thought it to be an option due to all the stories about them ending in shelters.
    But you have really helped clear up alot of things…. Just need my husband to get onboard aswell 😅
    About the socialization… how do you feel other people react when you bring them with you on holidays or to a restaurant?
    I would be afraid that I would need to excuse my way through such things because of the fear that these dogs still cause in some people…

  13. as a skater who wants to make sure my future dobby is comfortable with being around them and other skaters, I appreciate you using it as a prime example thank you!

  14. Can you please make a video on how to train my Doberman to stop biting!? She’s 7 months old and she like to bite when she plays with my boxer and myself and it hurts but I don’t think she understands it hurts us

  15. I adopted a year and a half yr old male doberman from the humane society about six months ago. He has turned into such a special companion. But he was evaluated and is too timid for doggy day care. He also becomes aggressive when he's tethered. This video has made so much sense to me. My biggest concern is his behavior in the car. When we leave home he paces, whines and barks out of the window. When I first brought him home he didn't do this. Does anyone know what might be causing that behavior?

  16. Thank you so much, for another amazing video. I got Bella the day before covid lockdown last year, and she was not socialized because of it. I do recognize many of the things you spoke about. I am going to try your recommendations with her to help make her more confident when we go out.

  17. Congratulations to your new baby! Thank you for all the great work you've accomplished! It is a great resource for us Doberman people.

  18. Any idea what to do with your dog when it's afraid to go out in the dark? We didn't get our puppy till she was 4 months old. She doesn't have much confidence worse when i take her out at night to go potty

  19. I want a Doberman so bad!! I'm just afraid I don't have time for one. I don't want to regret it or have a Dobie that is a problem because I can't give them the time they require.

  20. My 4 month old dobie always gets dominated by a 4 year old dog her size is this normal ? She’s always shy around new people as well

  21. How often are you supposed to socialize your puppy with other dogs? We don't have multiple dogs and just moved to a new area, so don't really know the best places to find other dogs.

  22. HELP! My Dobie is terrified of everything and everyone 😢 she is 8 weeks old and I've only had her for 5 days. I am taking everything slow slow, paying very close attention to her triggers, letting her set the pace based on her comfort. I'm already seeing her trust me more and is starting to play and cuddle more, she is VERY intelligent and as already learned to sit and allows me to interrupt feeding time. I haven't socialized her with other dogs just yet but plan on doing so after a few more days of bonding with her. I've never known a puppy to be as shy as she is, it seems loud sounds and new people scare her more than new places.

  23. I'm going to try this with my 10month old male, our female is such a bully and now my male is lacking any sign of confidence. Know any tips to make her less of a bully? I correct her all the time but any time she sees a chance when i'm not around she i bullying him.

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