Step by step guide to Train a Doberman Not to Be Aggressive

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  1. Why would you even "Think" about training a Doberman to NOT be aggressive? …. get another breed.
    if you interact with your Dobermann on a frequent, daily basis … he will naturally accept you as the Leader.

  2. We going to live in Texas but Now we live in Chicago we going to buy a New big house in Texas we gonna have so much space outside but i going to live buy my self and my mom and my sister and my dad gonna live in a bigger house my so much space outside for her husky puppy and in my house i,m gonna get a Doberman puppy.


    We finally found our dobie pup but now we need a name. Which one, do y'all like more?
    The pup will be a male.

    -Xerxes (zerk-seez)
    – Luxor ( laxor)
    – Anubis (Anuibis)
    -Abydos (Abaidos)
    – Faelen

    Sooo which one suit a male doberman the best, or which one do y'all like the most?

  4. This shit is ridiculous. If you feel the need to have to train your Doberman NOT to be aggressive…then you don't need to have a Doberman!

  5. Doberman is a guard dog and it is good to be aggressive for a doberman,if you want a friendly dog ,get a Golden retriever or a Labrador.please Don't vanish this magnificent breed

  6. Breeds that are bred for protection of an owner, his property or livestock are supposed to be aggressive. Don't make chivavas out of doberman, rottweilers, alabai or any similar breed. It is not good for the breed as well as future owners who will need those dogs for what they are made for.

  7. You should NEVER ignore signs of aggression. Aggression needs to be corrected immediately whether it is aggression towards animals, people, or food aggression. This video is stupid.

  8. I've never done the crate thing lol never had an issues other than chewed up shoe laces but not the shoes 🧐 lol

  9. Good suggestions for dobermann's handling, and yes,food is the leader on these dogs, cheers

  10. the way you train the dog not to be aggressive is to not train the dog to be aggressive if you cannot handle a dog that is trained in protection, or just do not get a dang Doberman… taking advice from this channel is like playing with a loaded *

  11. Interestingly our Doberman was rarely aggressive. But if he perceived danger to our family – watch out. It happened so rarely it was difficult to train him not to do it. There were very few chances to train him. He was so easy to train to do other things such as walking along with you and leaving others alone or when children patted him would be friendly etc it was a joke. But aggression training – difficult. One thing we could never train our Dobby to do was not to get upset if left outside.

  12. My Doberman wasn’t aggressive at all, the only time she’s loud is when she’s barking at someone at the door and jumps and licks them

  13. I love the hell outta me some Doberman dogs who have been trained with last of love and to protect his family….If you want to here some good stories about the attitude of a doberman listen to Richard Pryor talk about his two dogs….you'll never stop laughing it's a beautiful story…..

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