Fox was found at resident playground. She was then heavily pregnant but sadly babies didn’t make it. She was later brought to a vet for vaccination and neutered soon after.
This gentle mania cat loves her food and she knows how to use the litterbox. We are currently putting her at a boarding centre as we are worried that the condo management might throw her out of the area as this has happened before to our previous rescued cats.
please please please have her as part of your family so she can have her forever home.

Foxie dijumpai di playground condo di sini. Ketika itu Foxie tgh pregnant tapi anak-anak Foxie tidak survive. Kami terus vaccine dan mandulkan Foxie. Foxie sangat manja. Pandai makan kibbles and wetfood. Pandai poo & pee dalam litter box. Ketika ini Foxie, kami letakkan di boarding kerana kami risau management condo ini akan buang Foxie ke tempat lain. Pernah terjadi before this untuk kucing yang kami rescue. Harapnya boleh dapatkan forever home for Foxie. To care and to l..

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