Get your puppy to stop biting right away. With this easy trick you can get your dog to stop doing just about anything without harming or hurting your dog. It wont take days of training to remove a behavior just one or two trials.

Instrumental by Homage


  1. Thank you Soooo much 4 helpful insight on this breed. I'm still researching on dog breeds b4 I get a furbaby 4 myself. I really need one because the only time in my life that I've had my depression and anxiety is somewhat better when I had a dog. I suffer from pretty much everything you mentioned you specialize in and all the therapy, the cognitive behavioral therapy, the medications after medications after
    Medications, so many different message NONE ever worked, I also have a severe case of ADHD so yeah, having a dog helps with these issues idk why, but its the best type of medication that I've ever used I'm a huge Abigail lover so maybe that's why but I'm so grateful 4 all animals in particular dogs.. Thanks 4 your channel IM glad I just found it…‼️👍👌🤗‼️

  2. What is it about the can with pennies technique that works? Is it the noise that startles them?

  3. my family’s dog (same one as the title) usually bites me whenever i do something wrong like getting in arguments with my sister(s) but today he bit me for no reason. i was trying to leave to go to my grandparents house with my mom and dad. he was barking at me then started biting me. i wasnt doing anything wrong either.

  4. I have a heeler and when we go to the rodeo as spectators every Saturday, he gets way to excited and nips at people ,someone suggested I need a shock collar to get him to stop,I dont know what to do,any Ideas.?

  5. Really!?! I just watched this for 10 minutes just for you to tell me that I need to carry a can filled with pennies around with me everywhere I go with my dog!?!

  6. This is a common technique, in fact when herding the bite response and drive is very high which is natural for these dogs, they are chasing the movement A plastic water bottle with pebbles in it works as well and can be tossed in their direction for a long distance correction. I agree with using it sparingly. Generally a hard shake against your leg will get them to acknowledge you which is what you want, "look at me" and I really like using "leave it" when shaking the bottle or tossing it….again it is disrupting that drive to control livestock through nipping and herding, telling are not livestock you are alpha. ACDs are smart and strong-willed dogs!

  7. This is very interesting, never heard of this can thing lol My blue heeler pup doesn't nip as much anymore, he never even goes for my heels anymore unless he gets mad at me for not letting him do something. I'll have to give this a try after I make a list.

  8. we have a 5 year old heeler and can't remember how I trained her. She's an amazing girl and doesn't nip. We now have a 2.5-month-old heeler pup, and can't remember how we trained our big girl. I'm going to try this technique. Thanks!

  9. We just adopted an Australian cattle dog mix from our local shelter this weekend. Luna is 6 months old. We are making good progress on potty-training and crate training. Thank you for your videos! They are going to be a great help. 🙂

  10. My dog bites way to much I mean I have a cat and a litter box I'm pretty sure you know what my dog does..🤢

  11. I roll up a newspaper and hit my hand and say do u want a smack,has same result,first couple of times a gentle tap on behind.i live on Australia and have bread 80 pups.currently have a 14wk old bluey,very smart,but cheeky.also have a redcattlecross jackrussell.

  12. We are getting a blue male Australian Cattle dog AKC registered in October… He will be 8 – 9 weeks old – how do you stop the nipping/corralling of other animals in the home, such as the two grown cats we have?

  13. The penny can! I totally forgot about this method. My Dad used this like 25 years ago. Thanks for the helpful content. We just got a baby Blue Heeler. It’s been 8 years since I’ve trained a Heeler. I’ll be watching your videos. ☺️

  14. I will give this a go. Our Cattle dog X Kelpie and outdone a walk, she can get a little hyper and start biting the leash then grab my shorts and this morning, my skin. She is almost 5mths old so I will Def take a noisy can with me and see what happens. On a whole she is a great well behaved girl but when in psycho mode, she can hurt.

  15. Hi. New Subscriber here to your channel. Will this work with a 9 week old Blue Heeler /Husky cross puppy. The nipping is terrible and constant.

  16. I have a 31/2 ,month old blue heeler , second one I've ever owned, this one has biten my poor hands up, his teeth are like razor blades, I've got bandages everywhere, this happens when he wants to play of course, I've tried this but I had put the coins in a plastic box, contact lens were in it, but its loud when Shook. I don't no how effective it is though, I also bought the dog correct spray, a can of air, yeah right,……..

  17. I’ve been bitten by my heeler pup several times. He knows I’m the weak one AND as you know, healers pick one person they love… I’m not that person, my husband is. Our heeler puppy gets the crazies or zoomies and there’s nothing I can do to stop him. We’ve hired a trainer and she’s all about being sweet to him. I can’t deal anymore- it’s really affecting my relationship with him so I will definitely try the pennies in the can re-director.

  18. Going to give this tip a try. I have a Kelpie X Jack Russell Terrier who is a rescue dog. She is an amazingly smart & trainable dog & has a temperament similar to Marie's. However, she cannot abide other dogs. If a dog walks down the street or pass her in the car, she carries on lunging, barking and snarling. I will give this a try to see if it helps. If you have any other advice on this subject I'd appreciate it. Oh, she is a fully grown adult now but I'm still hoping to eradicate this behaviour.

  19. The loud background music is really distracting. Also it would be helpful to get a technique that works when there is only one trainer. I have no partner to help. This looks great for couples. Thanks.

  20. Oh no no no let me tell you I try to do that rewarding thing when my Luner was doing some thing that she should’ve been doing like caring a piece of trash in her mouth or something like that well she ended up thinking that she could just get the trash and the sticks and bottle caps whatever she could find to carry in her mouth because she thought she was going to be treated for it so now we have to do the trade off method just to get something out of her mouth it was a really bad idea on my part
    And I will not do that again with any other dog

  21. Lol! The people who only want that one piece of information, are likely the ones who will continue to have issues with their dogs. The BOND & learning the dogs mannerisms is much more important then the tool you end up using!

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