The Dandie Dinmont Terrier. This little guy is ‘Dandie’ by name, but not by nature; he’s quite the tough guy and always up for hunting. He does have an affectionate side though, and around the house he’s respectful without being too clingy.

Rough and ready for the hunt / Affectionate and dignified indoors

He’s a very loyal little man, good with children and suitable for older people too. He’s a very intelligent dog with an independent streak, but this can make him a little unsociable with other dogs and a bit reserved with strangers.

Great with all ages / Clever and free-spirited / Struggles with other dogs and strangers

Hunting is in his blood, so give him the chance to have a go in a safe place and he’ll be happy. Daily walks are important for him, otherwise he gets frustrated and will start digging; in fact he may dig anyway, they do.

Loves to hunt and explore / Needs daily exercise / May dig… probably will dig!

His hair is fairly hard, but not wiry, and needs brushing and combing at least twice a week. He will also need regular scissoring and shaping, a clip four times a year is about right; the coat will lose its texture and colour until it has chance to grow back again. His coat should be hand stripped every two months for shows.

Substantial hair / Brush him twice a week… clip him four times a year / Hand strip for shows

Interesting facts: Quirkily, this breed’s name comes from a character created by Sir Walter Scott in his novel Guy Mannering. Scott owned several Pepper and Mustard Terriers – how they were previously known – and gave his famous farmer character, Dandie Dinmont, several of these dogs! They are also very rare, with programmes in the UK set up to try and save the breed.

Named after a literary character / Previously called the Pepper and Mustard Terrier / In danger of dying out!

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier. A perfectly loyal companion for all ages.

Perfect for all.

#adoptdontshop #dogbreeds


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