The Bombay cat is an elegant, black cat that is both playful and intelligent. Although some people might avoid this cat due to myths about black cats bringing about bad luck, this common misconception is totally untrue! In this video, we are going to be talking about the misunderstood Bombay cat breed, its origins, personality, and everything else you need to know about this cat.

00:00 – Intro
00:21 – Origin
02:04 – Physical Characteristics
03:00 – Personality
05:07 – Health Condition
07:33 – Grooming
09:00 – Cost

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Welcome to Cat Nation! On this channel we create videos about pet advice for our feline buddies! Our topics range from cat breeds, cat ownership, and cats 101. Hope you enjoy our cat videos ~ :3

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  1. I was chosen to be a servant to a beautiful stray Bombay I named kitty cat and has turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

  2. I have a American Bombay Cat indoors. There's 4 stay American Bombay Cats outside. They're now my outdoor cats and I love them too 😸

  3. My female Bombay cat is the love of my life ,she's so lovable she's pretty brite playful and very adgil, I really hope she will be with me for a very long time, her name is shadow ,is the perfect name for her.😊❤

  4. i have a glorious Bombay baby….He is currently 8 years old and still acts like a kitten everyday…he is playful and also very cuddly…it's such a great combination for those of us who are independent people but yet really want the love of a furbaby on demand lol …He is BY FAR the love of my life and just an absolutely dream to own…a few years back the Humane Society missed removing once of his testicles and although i'm know this was very confusing to him at the time, it ended giving a fullness to his face that many neutered/spayed cats do not have…ofc, i think he is the most beautiful thing on the planet lol…he had a spell with urine crystals a few years back but after a short stay in the ER and proper food that targeted this issue, he has been perfectly healthy and happy..i'm so VERY blessed to have my Boo in my life…truly, the best breed ever!

  5. My little Pepper is so smart…He acts more like a dog than a cat…He understands what I am saying…Has no problem telling me exactly what he wants..Greets everyone who stops by…Follows me everywhere including the shower…He loves water….We have to keep all toilet seats closed or he will sit in the toilet like it's his personal hot tub..I would not trade him for a million dollars.

  6. Enjoyed this video. I am a lucky owner if a gorgeous Bombay with abundance if beauty & personality . He is such a little lover. Thanks for sharing this info

  7. I was trying to teach her "Catch and release" but she started releasing birds in the house and I would come home from work and fine a bird flying around in the house!!!!! and she would release mice to run around the house until I got it in a trap or she caught it [again]…… So I started teaching her that if she released anything inside alive I would let it go back outside and she started bringing things into the bathtub and eating them and leaving the s#!t sack in the tub for me to clean up….. and the feathers that are floating around the house too….. So feeding he once or twice a day is literally impossible as she brings birds in to eat @ 3:30 in the morning just before i wake up @ 3:45

    I swear she knows time very well…. Daylight savings time messes with her very bad for a couple months but she knows when daddy wakes up I swear it!!!!!

    My smart little girl 🐈‍⬛

  8. I adopted a pair of kittens almost two years ago. I found the female (who is not black) with an online search of local shelters and when I called, I told them I wanted her and a black cat. I had no idea the black one was a Bombay or even that Bombays were a breed until I ran into someone at my vet's office who told me about them. After a little research, I had to agree my boy is a typical male of his breed. Recently, he taught his non-Bombay sister to fetch. I just wish he would teach her not to chew on everything.

  9. Got my Bombay 18 months ago. Not sure if it’s really a Bombay, but looks like a Bombay and acts like one. She never leaves my side so I can walk her like a dog. And she never stops talking. My daughter put it this way “ of course our cat is a girl; she likes cuddles and she likes to talk.” All black cat with a heart of gold

  10. My son who lives with me has a Bombay cat named dolce and she is very smart and sweet, she's the light of grandma world,I love her so much, my son got her when she was just a kitten

  11. We went through a Bombay breeder after adopting our first cat (who turned out to be partial Bombay).
    We loved the attitude! Sadly we couldn't find any rehoming rescues with Bombay, so we did go to a breeder.

    We love her. She's the sunshine of our house. She lives for the windows, climbs like a panther on her cat wall and just needs to sleep under the blankets. Best cat attitude hands down.

    There are some… Quirks lol though. She's VERY talkative, so I wouldn't get one if you're sensitive to chatty kitties. They're also in need of a lot of attention…. DO NOT get one if you're not ready for this, as it can be a little daunting. She's also a food hound, constantly hungry and ready to scarf cookies down. She's also prone to tartar! We have her on a dental food, which seems to help!

    All in all, she's an amazingly beautiful, fawned over family member.

  12. Mine loves fetch wanting to play it almost nonstop😂 his eyes range from copper to green depending on lighting and background. He likes to ride on the headrest of my electric wheelchair like a king 😊

  13. A Bombay showed up in my backyard. We named her Po short for posley posington. She's amazing. It's like watching a small black leopard. They love attention and are very affectionate. She comes to me like a dog lol it's great

  14. Its not misunderstood by me i had appointment at dentist 6 time all six time when i got outside to go to dentist i met this black cat there was no pain and no problem at dentist conclusion black cat brings good luck

  15. I paid zero dollars for my black cat from the shelter. Turns out, he's a Bombay and the best boy. He fits all the stereotypes but thankfully has a little adopted sister to play with.

  16. Yes I have a Bombay cat and I got him at 1 years old and he is amazing and I love him and he loves attention and I love to give it to him ❤❤❤❤

  17. Great video, enjoyed. We found 2 months old kitten between backyards, and took him home. Now after 1 year, I discovered that it not "unusual street cat", but it maybe pure or not Bombay cat, it looks like the one in the video. How it's possible to confirm his breed?

  18. i found this is a rare type of breed.
    i hardly find any in malaysia., and you dont even knw where to find.
    end up i just adopt a normal domestic black cat.

  19. Just rescued a Bombay from St. Croix. He is an absolute angel. And he’s 17lbs! He’s so cool. Working on acclimating him with our current cat, who is a mini Siberian.

  20. I fostered, then adopted 9-week old sisters during COVID and fell madly in love. One is sleek and elegant with golden, almond shaped eyes. She is a delicate flowers. The other is a feisty, chubba wubb with perfectly round green eyes. They are both complete love bugs and very well behaved. I do take them in my enclosed back yard twice a day for play time, but I never leave them alone and they never try to climb the fence. They will not eat wet food so I buy an $83.00 bag of dry food every month to ensure they are getting what they need. I struggle to get them to drink enough water. I have bowls all over the house, plus a water fountain… but they prefer to drink out of the faucet, which I don't like because we have high levels of calcium in the water. Any suggestions?

  21. About 8 years ago I found a kitten in the bushes, she was so small I had to hand rear her for almost a month. I had no idea I had found such a wonderful little Bombay cat for a couple years, and it's been such a fun journey with my best little buddy ever since. Everything stated in the video was pretty much exact. 😂❤

  22. I just got a New black kitten. After watching your video I asked the lady who gave me the kitten her fir us just like velvet was very shy when I hot her but now she loves being petted I added her after I hot a new kitten and he was crying every time I had yp pop out she us a British bombay so I looked around for a 2nd kitten and got put in touch with a lady who was having problems funding homes for black kittens how lucky am i that I hot midnight I asked the lady this morning after suspecting and found out ger mum and dad are both bombast she gave me the kitten gir free she is a good eater she is almost 4 months old and will be neutered soon as my other kitten is a Tom thank you very much for your videos

  23. Mojito patted my face to get my attention at the pet store,love at first sight, put him on hold until payday, now my familiar is with me 😊, wonderful Bombay

  24. I found my black gem in a garbage can, while she was desperately looking for a bit to eat. Then she was lost and exhausted. Her mom had either abandoned her or was perished. I never forget the bewildered sad look in her mesmerizing eyes. I didn't think twice even for a second whether I can or cannot keep her at home. I just picked her up from the hot pavement and took her home.
    She is the second black-coated kitty I'm tending.

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