My dogs love running on their slatmill. This manual device does not move without the dog pulling the belt backward, and the dog can’t put pressure on the belt without being tied in place. This is why they are attached. My dogs also run on a regular electric treadmill, without being attached. They run because they want to, not because they’re forced.

We offer running on this manual device to give our dogs an additional outlet for the immense amount of energy they have. Staffords, pit bulls and dogs alike are genetically predisposed to dog aggression, and running off lead is not always considered safe for other animals. So in addition to running along a bike or doing canicross, bikejoring and kickbiking, and various high intensity sports on safe fields, we also allow our dogs to go crazy on a manual slat mill.

1 Comment

  1. My dogs love running on their slatmill. This manual device does not move without the dog pulling the belt backward, and the dog can’t put pressure on the belt without being tied in place. This is why they are attached. My dogs also run on a regular electric treadmill, without being attached. They run because they want to, not because they’re forced.

    We offer running on this manual device to give our dogs an additional outlet for the immense amount of energy they have. Staffords, pit bulls and dogs alike are genetically predisposed to dog aggression, and running off lead is not always considered safe for other animals. So in addition to running along a bike or doing canicross, bikejoring and kickbiking, and various high intensity sports on safe fields, we also allow our dogs to go crazy on a manual slat mill.

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