Kinkalow. Cute Kinkalow cats puzzle for kids and adults.
Some facts.
The history of the origin of the breed The United States became the birthplace of the original cat with protruding ears. Breeder Terry Harris decided in 1997 that short-legged cats could be bred from the Munchkin and the American Curl. Crossing gave offspring with two gene mutations: one mutation was responsible for short legs, the second for curved ears.

The breed has been registered by TICA. The name was given from the English words kink – “curl”, and low – “low”. The TDCA Toy Breed Association recognized the Handsome in 2008. While the kinkalow population has reached a modest dozen, exclusives live mainly in the states. The standard has not yet been finalized, there is only a description of cats to date. It is because of this that kinkalows do not take part in exhibitions.

Description and standards of the kinkalow cat
The original look of the kinkalow cat cannot be confused with any other breed. Short paws are always combined with curved protruding ears. The head is round, as is the body itself. The body is flexible, the muscles are developed, but it can hardly be called outstanding. The look of the kinkalow is far from bulky or clumsy. Legs appear thick and evenly spaced. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs, and the length of the tail most often exceeds the length of the body. Kinkalow kittens have straight ears at birth, but already in the first week of life they begin to bend. Ears acquire their final form by five months. Partially, the auricle has a bend at an angle of 90-180 degrees. It is pleasant to stroke cats, because their coat is easy to recognize as soft, thick. The undercoat is well developed. The fur of this breed is long or short.
The colors are different: it can be a colorpoint and even an albino cat. Most often, chocolate kittens, bicolor, seal, tabby are born.

Kinkalow character traits
Although this cat breed appeared quite recently, it is already possible to distinguish the characteristic features of its behavior. Kinkalow kittens are friendly from the moment they begin to more or less comprehend something in this world. Playfulness and good disposition are preserved until the old age of the cat. Cats are good at contact, they do not like to be without a person. However, they are in no hurry to impose themselves, especially if the owner is busy with something. But they can very much support the company, because the cat welcomes the attention of the household. The low growth of the breed is not an obstacle to active pastime. The cat climbs higher and follows the life of those below with interest. Curiosity will make the fluffy climb even on the closet, if there is something interesting there.

The cat gets along well with other animals in the house due to its natural benevolence and curiosity. Just as well, cats communicate with children of any age, aggression is alien to them. If they don’t like the situation, they get up and leave, switching to another object. The kinkalow cat is not particularly talkative. A quiet meow is heard when the animal speaks of its hunger or other need.

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