I was contacted by the parents of a young boy whose son had found a puppy in a sewer near their home.
We got there and saw Bruno, we brought him up soaking wet, and our journey started from there.
Bruno is a resilient and strong dog, he has overcome the most difficult challenges and now he is enjoying his new good life.

👉 Rescuer: Marcinho Belota
🤝 Support at Pix: 92014089272 (cpf)
► Subscribe: https://bitly.com.vn/2mtzgp


  1. 救けて下さりありがとうございます。

  2. Thank God you found him and got him help. I hope karma gets whoever did this to such a precious animal. That's just evil. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Graças a Deus existem pessoas de bom coração, generosas e com atitute para socorrer esses anjos patudos. O monstro (a monstra) que maltratou esse pobre animal há de pagar pelas suas maldades!

  4. ❤ Thank you very much.He gets second life from you and yours 💖🙏. God bless you and yours 🙏❤️. Darling gets chance.We sent huge hugs and strength with love 💕.

  5. This is exactly what happens to many citizens in Germany, mistreated and thrown away, that is the German dictatorship. And Adolf Scholz is the leader.

  6. Quem fez este ato de crueldade é que deveria estar aí dentro.
    Lixo,chorume canalha imbecil idiota e muito mais é o próprio demônio

  7. Diós que sufrimiento, pobrecito,cuantos así…..carcel para tanta bestia salvaje…. gracias por ayudar ❤

  8. Some humans are so cruel to inocent animals it makes me sick to the stomach. Fortunately there are still some good humans in the world still like you who rescued this beautiful soul 🙏🏻Thank you 🙏🏻I hope his life is good now and full of love and care 🙏🏻🐾❤️🐾

  9. Ele foi espacando pelo maldito dono e jogou ele aí como se fosse a cova dele. Deus viu o demônio q fez essa crueldade, e ja ta tomando providências. Amém

  10. 這支小狗滿可鄰了被人家放在水構裏了沒有良性的人了小狗滿可愛的活潑漂亮的顏色滿漂亮的滿有人緣喜歡喜愛的大小朋友很喜歡養小狗了滿有愛心的人了順好心人救起來了還帶小狗去看獸醫院了還那詞料喝的給小狗吃了滿高興快樂的開心的滿乖巧懂事聰明的感謝謝好心人照顧了0

  11. Thank you rescuing BRUNO 🐶 THANK GOD you guys got to him🙏🏼 to the idiot who did this WHY??? This is GODS baby given to us to love protect until he calls them home and you have to balls to bash him in 🥺 how dare you 😢 PAY BACK – KARMA is a BI**!!!! Thank god BRUNO had the Will to FIGHT to LIVE 💙 and THANK GOD HE GAS A FUREVER HOME 🐶🐾💙🙏🏼

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