1. Had a red heeler and she had her humans well trained. My husband's cousin would come to the house and she would greet him at the door, walk him thru to the back door and go play stick for 20 minutes or so if I was still upstairs. If I was downstairs, she'd ask permission to go play with her Uncle Duane. Fawn also spoke-she could say 'outside' and 'I love you', clearly and distinctly. People didn't believe it until she did it in front of them. Miss that crazy dog! She certainly set the bar high for all the dogs that have followed.

  2. You didn't demonstrate anything any other dog breed would be able to do. So this isn't so much a feat of intelligence, more of just you attempting to generate content somehow-someway.

    Anyone could do the same exact thing with any dog breed is what I'm trying to convey here.

    Like you coulda just gotten some McDonalds or stopped by the gas station for condoms or something. Did you even let the heeler run around and burn some energy?

  3. I have a Heeler Border Collie mix and she does the same thing. If I reach for her leash she immediately knows to follow me outside otherwise she avoids our garage like the plague. Then when we return I don't even need to walk her inside. She instantly goes straight to the spot we put her leash on and then stops so we can remove it before she carries on about her business 😅

  4. Our ACD lives car rides. Definitely understandable how they’re one of the top 10 smartest dog breeds. ❤

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