1. They're very food motivated. The odds are good if Mom is in the kitchen there's going to be a nibble on the floor.

  2. I have a healer I rescued (I’m a vet tech) and I never have to worry bout him. He loves my son , they grew up together and he is so loyal to me. Listens better than most humans . If I can’t see him I just turn around and there he his. Smartest dog I’ve ever had!

  3. Stop flattering yallselves and the breed lmao. Every pitbull I’ve ever had follows me everywhere I go.. Bulldog now that follows me everywhere I go.. dogs that like you and aren’t lazy follow you lmao

  4. My dog is a Queensland heeler, and he does this, and I’m fine with it, but my dad usually gets mad at my dog for doing that dogs name is blue by the way

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