A woman accidentally saw Iron at the edge of the ditch, she called us there. When we were there, we did not expect the dog’s condition to be like that. What was more surprising was the position in which he was lying, he was trying not to collapse.
All those difficulties could not defeat Iron, he overcame all the challenges to start a new, better and happier life.

👉 Rescue team: Plyushka
🤝 Support at PayPal: snezhana.bv@gmail.com
► Subscribe: https://bitly.com.vn/2mtzgp


  1. I am so glad that y'all got him and he's doing better as for that person who put him there they will get theirs it just makes me mad when people do that to their babies

  2. Vous avez été les anges dont Iron avait besoin au pire moment de sa pauvre vie. Il s'est battu pour vivre et vous l'avez accompagné avec touts les soins, l'attention et l'amour dont vous l'avez entouré. C'est un miraculé et malgré tout l' Enfer qui a traversé, il a montré qu'il ouvrait toujours son cœur et sa confiance aux personnes. Iron je prie pour toi. Que la joie et l'amour illuminent ta nouvelle vie. A tous tes sauveteurs, Soyez bénis pour avoir sauvé Iron et pour votre acte d'amour. Merci 🙏🏻🕊️🌈

  3. Questo gran bastardo che ha commesso questa cattiveria spero ta tanto che il fango lo inghiotti schifoso mostro che Dio ti maledica per tutta la vita

  4. Mil Bendiciones para las personitas que los brindan apoyo el apoyo sl angelito del barro..xfvor 💜 💕 un abrazo aún a la distancia x su amor y generosidad….
    Pero cómo lo dice alguno de los malditos tontos q no las tienen nombre x intención se la hecharon ahí…super mal x algún día a ellos también van a pasar x eso?

  5. Triste é a realidade do seres humanos hoje que faz isso com os animais a quem faz o bem e protege desse tipo de gente só a gratidão de Deus o resto é incapacidade de pessoas que não merecem não respeitam não tem amor a vida dos animais um dia o mesmo que eles fazem com os animais acontece com as pessoas que não tá nem aí pra eles a vida é que dá o troco

  6. God give Iron healing. Blessings, abundance, & protection to everyone helping these precious souls. Done 🙏👑💙🌟💙🌟💙🍀🌈💲

  7. Vielen vielen Lieben Herzlichen Dank 🐕🥰💥😘✨💕💝🤍❤️🍀🌻🌞👏
    Gott beschütze Euch und Dich Kleiner Süßer Engel 🐕💋💋💋💋💋

  8. May God Allmighty bless n protect all of you who did great ssrvice to this inncoent dog Gods loving creation n all animal lovers n animals reptiles….in Jesus mighty name.

  9. Thank you for saving Iron. All creatures great and small deserve to be treated and loved with care and dignity. Blessing to all of you.

  10. Covardia…. abandonar no momento que mais necessitam de amparo e cuidados …obrigado por ajuda-lo…que melhore de suas feridas aparentes e profundas.

  11. . mój Boże serca boli kiedy co wieży jestasztie kuchanie pardzo dziękuję za pomoc takiego pieadnko pajsk 😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶

  12. I suspect his previous life was bad. Because who would dare to throw away old old dog away with so MANY diseases into a cruel mud puddle like he was found in unless they fully intended for him to have a cold and lonely death 💀☠️💀☠️ by himself! YES, that's exactly what they had planned for him, except it was stopped by the kind lady and he has been given these extra innings for love and chances to enjoy his life as never before! Let us praise the goodness which he will have before him now! Thank you so much for giving him this opportunity!

  13. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇 Thankyou so much for giving this beautiful boy love and a life to live for. Bless you 🥰🥰🥰

  14. Que bom que ele teve umas pessoas que o amaram mesmo sendo idoso ele teve ainda a chance de ser feliz.que Deus abençoe essas pessoas que o salvaram ..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  15. I am an animal lover, but what you put this elderly dog through, was elderly abuse, maggots, arthritis, has an enlarged heart, and a tumor…GOD FORBID…..you gave him false hope, BLESS HIM BUT CRUEL TO BE KIND..you should have had him put to eternal sleep, to begin with. You mean well, but sometimes you have to make HARD CHOICES…IRON…please let you suffer NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Amazing boy xxxxx ❤❤❤❤❤❤ whoever left u in that mud lll so evil Ur an notl human u sud be left in there for days an then prison lllll so glad u can walk again an av the life u so desrve u precious boy ❤❤❤❤❤ thanks alll for your care an love for him lllll ❤❤

  17. God sent you to help this poor creature…thank you. He knew love and kindness instead of cruelty the last days of his life. He knew Hids love thru humans, at last.

  18. Os animais sobre vive pôr pessoas abençoadas que também são corajosos que Deus abençoe a cada um de vcs gratidão em nome de Jesus Cristo ❤❤❤❤

  19. Arriba Iron eres un gran guerrero nunca te distes por vencido y lo lograstes. Felicitaciones a veterinarios y cuidadores de Iron por lograr ese gran milagro de salvarlo. ❤❤❤

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