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Living With is a series where “pet owners” share their experience caring for a breed of dog. In this episode, Marilyn Braverman shares her life and times living with Stevie her Doberman Pinscher. In addtion to Stevie she has a French Bulldog named Oliver. Her two dogs live an amazing life together. Like any good big brother Stevie looks after Oliver and the two of them get along greatly.

Doberman Pinschers are well known as intelligent, alert, and tenaciously loyal companions and guard dogs. Personality varies a great deal between each individual, but if taken care of and trained properly they tend to be loving and devoted companions. The Doberman is driven, strong, and sometimes stubborn. Owning one requires commitment and care, but if trained well, they can be wonderful family dogs. With a consistent approach they can be easy to train and will learn very quickly. As with all dogs, if properly trained, they can be excellent with children.


  1. I just lost my dobe to DCM at a very young age of 4. Please educate yourself about DCM and stop supporting irresponsible breeders. That said, if you ever own a doberman, you will never find a dog as awesome as a doberman. No they are not dangerous, they are loving, goofy, clean, and just all around awesome companions and pets. They will require work, so please do not get one if you cannot spend the time and effort and money towards them.

  2. Without the crop ears and the short tails Doberman just look like a greyhound dog.. What makes them look dishes at the cutting off the of ears and the tails they're not really aggressive dogs!

  3. We initially socialized our dobe at Pet Smart puppy class. She learned to accept people and other dogs, all shapes and sizes. We loves other dogs and greets people in a most acceptable way. She's cautious with other people until she sizes them up. After that she'd go home with them.

  4. Great, he’s very handsome. Nice name. Something I use at my age and you can too is 3M surgical tape for your neck and throat if you are interested. Can be purchased on Amazon. Be well stay safe with your doggies. I have two German Shepherds half brother half sister 3 and 5. Steve in NYC.

  5. People who neuter or spay their dogs early (before 2 years old), have humping problems later on, and the worst was bone deficiency

  6. Great dogs, but I don't recommend them to new owners. Dobermans require a very dedicated owner and lots of training. They need more attention than most owners are willing to give.

  7. Thank you for another great Doberman dogumentary.

    This is my favorite breed now. The more I learn about them the happier I am with mine. (:

  8. My worst fear is having a skittish dog again. I had to deal with that with my last dog, who I obviously still love dearly, but it makes every day life more difficult for sure

  9. What a fantastic documentary. I have a pug and looking to get another dog, I would love to get a dobbie but my condo association won’t allow “aggressive” breeds.

  10. English guy here, and this just popped up in my feed. As you might be aware, it's illegal to crop and dock Dobermans in my country – as it is in most of Europe. I don't understand the American KC attitude to this. Milo, my 2 Yr old European Line Doberman, expresses himself through his tail. I can read him by how he holds it and how he wags it ! When he's alert, it forms a perfect question mark. He looks great and alert. I dont buy the health or hearing excuses that I've heard some use for the practice. Owners of Ridgebacks and other similar sized protective breeds don't see the need to do it to their dogs. It's a shame that people begin their relationship with these fantastic dogs by hurting them.

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