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Tom Fisher is a breeder and fancier of the Irish Wolfhound. Tom, a professional dog trainer gives great insight into the history, mindset, and personality of the world’s tallest breed.

Considered by the American Kennel Club to be the tallest of all dog breeds, describing the breed as, “Of great size and commanding appearance, the Irish Wolfhound is remarkable in combining power and swiftness with keen sight. The largest and tallest of the galloping hounds, in general type he is a rough-coated, Greyhound-like breed; very muscular, strong though gracefully built; movements easy and active; head and neck carried high, the tail carried with an upward sweep with a slight curve towards the extremity”.[13] The average height of an Irish Wolfhound should be taller than that of a Great Dane. However, the wolfhound is not to be confused with being the heaviest, as its structure should be similar to that of a Greyhound, with a very broad and deep chest that tucks up.

Its colour may be grey, brindle, red, black, white, fawn, and wheaten.

Irish Wolfhounds have a varied range of personalities and are most often noted for their personal quirks and individualism.


  1. they are beautiful i have a great dane and ide love to have one as a friend for her she needs a big buddy always thought it would be another dane but im starting to love these dogs

  2. Not sure if they are "pure" bred dogs, but I have seen dogs that look like wolfhounds (or mixes of them) being used for boar hunting in Australia. Just look up "bull arab boar hunting" on youtube and you will see wolfhound looking dogs running alongside them.

  3. pounds and inches. duhmericans can grasp the metric system. just as smart as burma and liberia, lol.

  4. My Boston Terrier/ Boxer mix just met an Irish Wolfhound puppy. He and my dog met each other, and just started playing. When I say he was a puppy, he was very tall. Very sweet, and playful.

  5. I have an Irish Wolfhound, who is 12, which is rare because they don't often live past 6-8 years. He is Giant, Dopey and extremely loving. He just wants constant rubs and loves and affection. He is the most gentle and kind soul I have ever known. Never been vicious or aggressive in his whole life. He has also never had any serious health problems, which is another lucky thing for us. If you are ok with them being massive, and plonking their giant bodies down on anything they like (usually their favourite human) then I would absolutely recommend them as a family pet. Especiallly with their loving and gentle nature. If you are willing to put the effort in to maintain them, I think they are almost a perfect Dog to have as a Pet or companion. Compared to almost every other breed I can think of.

  6. I ran into a couple one day with an Irish wolfhound and asked if I could pet him, he was being walked by his mom and he went between her and I and leaned his weight on her. He was more than fine with me touching him but he seemed protective of his female owner.

  7. I had an amazing shelter dog for almost 14 years and he was an Irish wolfhound mix probably with poodle. He was the best dog ever! I met a few Irish wolfhounds after I had lost mine, and their personalities were just like my dog! I realize my Gus was so special because he had the amazing qualities of a wolfhound but was only 53 pounds and was the height of a poodle/lab, so I got to have him a lot longer than if he had been a full Irish wolfhound. Everyone loved Gus. He saw only friends in everyone he met. ❤

  8. I’ve been wanting a wolfhound for so long and I finally convinced my wife. We’ve always had German shepherds. Our next breed is gonna be a wolfhound!

  9. I’ve trained several IWs and had a client breed their male to gift me one of his pups. They were born a couple of days ago! I’m so excited. I’ve been wanting one forever.

  10. Why do they have so much hair infront of their eyes if they are sight hounds . Isn't it counterproductive .

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