愛犬いちが“かっこいい列車こっちにあるよ”と、リードを引っ張って教えてくれたおかげで、始発駅である若桜駅出発前の赤い“八頭号”をじっくり観察することができました。💦緑色の“若桜号”も観れてとってもよかったです。甲斐犬と車中泊旅1日目 豊岡出石 → → → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaqC943Xe70
甲斐犬と車中泊旅2日目 あまるべ鉄橋 → → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgZV8BPebqc
甲斐犬と車中泊旅3日目 出雲日御碕 → → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuJlOn4nS8o
甲斐犬と車中泊旅4日目 若桜鉄道 → → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Y2GdN_zus

いちたびチャンネル * Sister Channel
You Tube 「いちたび」 もよろしくね!
甲斐犬「いち」の飼い主 おとうさんの旅をご覧ください! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYQPHr5mFafFo5G6tBpzJaA/videos?view_as=subscriber 



自己紹介 * Self-introduction


オススメ動画 * Recommendations
【Ichi got promoted!】飼い主の世話をする犬の動画

【Happy New Year 💖2020】お正月を全身全霊で祝う犬の動画

【Surprise attack by deer! 】甲斐犬が鹿に襲われる動画

【Home Alone with my dog】甲斐犬が留守番している動画

【Little wolf with a sweet heart ❤️】犬が好きになる動画


【Brushing 💇‍♀️】これで解決!抜け毛対策の動画

【Drive 🚗】車窓を楽しむ犬の動画

【Fashion Show】オシャレな犬の動画

【Kyoto ⛩】京都を満喫する犬の動画

What is 甲斐犬いち – Japanese dog life –
We started the life with my Kai Ken dog, Ichi from July in 2019. We upload videos about her life almost everyday. She shows many facial expressions, funny acts, and wild moves like a hunter! She sometimes barks as a guardian but she is more friendly with people. She loves her daddy the most and her daddy is also in the videos. She becomes the sweetest dog with him. When she is home alone, she howls and a howling black dog is really like a wolf! We are happy to spend our life with my dog and to start this channel. We’re thinking this channel also can be a family vlog, travel vlog and japan vlog not only a pet and animal vlog because we often travel and camp in Japan. Akita inu and Shiba inu are very famous as Japanese dog breeds but I hope people will see the Kai ken dogs are as cute and smart as them. (We don’t give her much training but she learns fast.)So hopefully this channel becomes popular so more people will see how nice other Japanese dog breeds are. (Japanese dog breeds: akita inu, shiba inu, kai ken, shikoku ken, kishuu ken, hokkaido ken). We hope you enjoy these funny videos!



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