Why can’t we all just get along?

Together, we Beardie Fanatics do observe…
(at least in my case🙂)…that…

Sometimes a single male likes to live in harmony with 1 or 2 other females….

I do believe that they often enjoy being together —-

BIGGER Bearded Dragons
SMALLER Bearded Dragons!!!

It is a HUGE deal that that MUST be very similar in size!!


  1. I now have 3 separate BEARDED DRAGON habitats since my “female” ended up being a HANDSOME male!! (The orange one is my “new” distinguished gentleman, & my OTHER male here is extremely territorial towards him!)

  2. This stance &!circling behavior •••is an example of•••defensive or aggressive behavior……telling the other Beardie
    (or a predator) to
    “BACK OFF – get off my turf, or leave me alone!”!!!
    ••Again, as we Bearded Dragon lovers know, each Beardie has his or her OWN, distinct personality & also decides WHO he or she likes to spend time with, if anyone!! (When making the commitment to own a pet Beardie, or even turtle, plan to keep them in separate setups!!🙂🙂❤️(Xavier tells me he wants his OWN habitat, & always gets his way!!)

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