Finally, his eye and all damaged teeth were removed. Luca is a complicated patient in every sense, so STRICTLY. It’s still hard for him, but he’s learning to trust again and to stop being afraid of people. He is trying very hard and he’s not an aggressor. Luca has undergone several surgeries, but the most amazing thing is how quickly his heart believed in humans again. He continued doing great every day. His spirit is stronger and no more pain. He had passed a difficult journey.

Luca didn’t have a chance of survival without treatment. He’s doing well in his foster family, gentle and calm. He will never go suffer again. Massive thanks for every support and every donation in giving Luca a second chance. He will be cared for and loved for the rest of his life.

Amazing Dog Rescue Stories:

Rescue of Abandoned Dogs:

Dog’s Amazing Transformations:

Kitten Rescue Stories:

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Love animal please pass it on #PawsInNeed #animals #dog #cat #kitten #puppy #shorts


  1. Povo de Deus denuncie o abandono e maus-tratos sempre. Judiacao largarem o peludo como se fosse lixo na rua. Gratidão a vc q salvou da rua, está cuidando dele

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