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#cheetohcat101 #cheetoh101 #bengal #ocicat
In today’s video, we are going to look at a cat breed, that surprisingly enough, sounds like it got its name out of a famous junk food.

The Cheetoh Cat.

Cheetohs aren’t just junk food anymore, they’re a new breed of cat! The Cheetoh was created by mixing Ocicats and Bengals, and the result was this stunning creature. Cheetohs were recognized by the United Feline Organization in 2004.

The Cheetoh’s parent breeds are the Ocicat and the Bengal, which is actually a direct descendant of the wild Asian Leopard Cat. These two breeds were crossed in 2001 by a breeder named Carol Drymon. She was hoping to create a new feline, that would display the physical characteristics of a wild cat, and the gentleness of a housecat. The plan was successful, and the Cheetoh is roughly eight generations removed from wild cats.

Despite their good looks and great personality, however, Cheetohs are still rare compared to other breeds, particularly because this is a fairly new breed.

The Cheetoh cat has a super affectionate nature, and real love for their human companions; they are intelligent with the ability to learn quickly. Their amazing coat pattern consists of lots of spots and a few stripes for good measure, replicating the look of their wild counterparts, the cheetah. They hold the distinctive characteristics of both their founding breeds, the Ocicat and Bengal. However, the head is slightly chiseled and the ears are more prominent than the Bengal. They walk with a lower front stance and higher at the back. They are a generously sized cat. With males being more muscular with thick necks and solid bodies, that can be up to 7 kilograms when fully grown. The female has a slightly smaller frame, but is still a good size when compared to the average moggy.

You can expect that a Cheetoh will be a fun-loving kitty who enjoys playing, running, and jumping through every room in your house. When they aren’t exercising and letting out their energy, though, these cats will calm down and be ready for some snuggles with their human family.

These gentle and talkative felines can also be described as sweet, docile, social, and friendly, and they make wonderful family pets. So even though they might look wild, their personality is that of a domestic cat. They are even known for their love of people, their curiosity, and their strong bonds with their favorite humans.

These cats should not be ignored, and they should be kept engaged so that they don’t become bored. You may want to consider getting more than one cat, if you are going to introduce a Cheetoh into your family, as doing so could help prevent boredom and loneliness when you are too busy or when you aren’t home.

Cheetohs, which are considered hypoallergenic, feature a velvety coat that is thick, shiny, and short. This plush coat will shed minimally, and it will only require a weekly brushing to help keep it clean and smooth. Brushing also helps remove loose hair, and it is a great opportunity to bond with your Cheetoh and give him the attention that he needs.


  1. Cheetoh catts are nothing like the Cheetah. The only cat that is actually like the cheetah of all cat species is the African Servial and Savannah Cats. Not only do these cats resemble cheetahs in a lot of ways, but are the only wild cats closely related to Cheetahs and are built similarily to the cheetah in regards to their coat patterns which are never rosettes, cheetahs have no rosettes, neither do Savannah Cats, unless bred with Bengal, Savannah cats all share the same color as the Cheetah, as well as long slender body, legs, and docile springy personality, both Servals and Cheetahs have more dog like claws and feet unlike any other cat in the animal kingdom, and they live in the same regions. They are both more of day cats designed to match the savannah, and were both owned and domesticated by Egyptians .

  2. The Cheetoh is just a closer generational Bengal cat. They resemble leopards in rosettes, coat colors, and habitat to those of the Jaguar and Asian Leopards. Bengals are excellent climbers and have a personality much more like the Leopard species, with claws that are able to flex for climbing. Savannah cats and cheetahs are the only cats who cannot climb easily, although Savannah Cats love to jump and love heights, they have the least retractable claws of any other cat species except for the Cheetah, we found 6 litter savannah cat mixes out at a barn. If you look at their body its very similar to that of the cheetah, cheetahs have docile personalities in comparison to other wild cat spcies, are land cats that are the only two cats that are designed for more day hunting. Both Savannah Cat and Cheetah do not hunt by sneak attack or strength, but by speed and quick energy. Both cheetahs and savannah cats have weaker claws and weaker jaws then any other cat. Most of these cats prefer to run then fight. Had a docile persoonality that egyptians loved. The Savannah cat like the cheetah, when you look at the Savannah cat they have long slender legs and use tails more like rudders much like the cheetah, more for quick bouncing and speed, savannah cats claws are similar to dogs in a way, their much smaller and do not have the flex that most house cats or even wild cats do. They are straight forward and the toes have no bend, as other cats have the ability to bend their toes almost backwards when coming down a tree, especially norweigian and main coons have hyper flex in their thumb. Both Cheetahs and Savannah cats thumbs are extremely small, sit up like a dogs, with no flex.

  3. The other thing common between the Savannah cat and the cheetah is their skin. Most jungle or forest cats have a lot of extra bags of skin. Cheetahs and Savannah cats have very little extra skin, they are designed to be slender to use up less energy when jumping and running, hence why their skin is almost cling tight to their athletic bodies. Much like a Greyhound, Turkoman Horse, or Thoroughbred Horse. Extra skin weight would be heavy, dehydrating, and take away speed and energy in semi desert / dry grass plains that they are from. Neither cats are very nucternal compared to all other cat breeds which explains the very heavy marks around both Cheetahs and Servals is a protection from the sun during the day, have much better vision then an other cat during the day time, although both Cheetahs and Servals have night vision, it is not as good as all the other wild and house cats. Because most cats hunt by surprise attack methods, these is effective for night time activity, and tree climbing, like the bengal and cheetoh. Servals and cheetahs stick to primarily hunting during the day time, even though all cats love being active at night. These two cats prefer hunting during the day, often time break or hide during the night as for the Serval and Cheetah, their weapons is their sight, speed, jumping, and agility to out run predators, however night time for these two cats can become very dangerous as the surprise type hunting cats come out and can actually threaten and kill these two cat species, so often times night time can be quite dangerous as they use their agility to protect themselves, but not their strength, night vision, or stealthy move to get away. Many times these cats can and do get killed by other cats.

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